BitClub Network Now Wants 500 New Suckers; Participants Exhorted To Be Patient Because Purported Mining ‘Community’ Venture Is Like ‘Building A Home-Made Space Ship To Explore Outer Space’
BitClub Network apparently has found its first crop of 500 suckers willing to throw down $3,599 to become “Founders.” A link from a new post on Twitter suggests BitClub Network now is trying to line up 500 new suckers who’ll purportedly earn half of what the core group was promised. The new suckers will be […]
UPDATE: With Purported 100 Percent ‘Repurchase Or Recapitalization Feature,’ BitClub Network Dials Up The Scamming

Affiliates of the BitClub Network “mining” scam have taken to Twitter today with news asserted to be glorious: Participants can leave 100 percent of their money in the “program.” “The reason why you should consider setting all your bitclub network mining pool repurchases to 100% is the fact that you will build up your amount […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: First U.S. Criminal Prosecution Of Bitcoin-Themed Scheme; Trendon Shavers Arrested

In the first U.S. criminal prosecution involving a Bitcoin-themed scheme, Trendon Shavers has been arrested and charged with securities fraud and wire fraud. Shavers, 32, of McKinney, Texas, was charged civilly by the SEC in July 2013. He is known as “pirateat40,” and allegedly pushed his Bitcoin Savings and Trust Ponzi scheme from a forum. […]
REPORTS: Enterprise Known As ‘BitcoinTrader’ Has Collapsed And Management Has Disappeared
EDITOR’S NOTE: Beginning in late August, some promoters of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme said they were moving to a “program” known as BitClub Network, a purported “mining” venture that purportedly was selling “Founders’” positions for $3,599 and offering memberships at buy-in rates of $500, $1,000 and $2,000. By some accounts, the “program” would pay […]
SPECIAL REPORT: eAdGear ‘Program’ Allegedly Traded Falsely On Names Of Famous Companies And Brands; SEC Contacted Google, Yahoo, Target, Victoria’s Secret (And More) To Refute Claims; Separately, ‘Bossteam’ Enterprise In Canada Operated In Similar Fashion, Records Show

EDITOR’S NOTE: eAdGear, which had entities in California and Hong Kong, “primarily” targeted “investors in the U.S., China, and Taiwan” and gathered $129 million in a combined pyramid- and Ponzi scheme that engaged in brand-leeching, the SEC alleged last week. An MLM scam known as WCM777, which allegedly gathered more than $80 million, also engaged […]
ANOTHER MLM PR DISASTER: Zhunrize, Alleged Worldwide Pyramid Scheme That Gathered $105 Million, Was Presented As A ‘Plan B’

2ND UPDATE 5:25 P.M. EDT U.S.A. Purported “Plans B” are one of the core signatures of the the MLM HYIP sphere, which is known for incredibly toxic global frauds such as Zeek Rewards and AdSurfDaily. In 2009, an ASD reload scam known as AdViewGlobal was positioned as a “Plan B.” The individual schemes of Zeek […]
No Immediate Comment From Federal Reserve On Claims Related To Emerging BitClub Network ‘Program’

UPDATED 12:27 A.M. EDT SEPT. 22 U.S.A. The PP Blog today contacted the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, owing to claims concerning the emerging BitClub Network “program” that is being pitched by certain members of the $850 million Zeek Rewards Ponzi- and pyramid scheme. Known in shorthand as the Fed, the Federal […]
Launch Of Murky BitClub Network ‘Program’ Appears To Be Under Way

Much remains murky about BitClub Network, a Bitcoin-themed “program” that in typical HYIP fashion missed at least three advertised launch dates earlier this month. The launch, however, now appears to have gotten under way shortly after “2 p.m. EST” today, a possible indicator that the “program” is using Panama time. One promo the PP Blog […]
UPDATE: BitClub Network Launch Reportedly Delayed — Again

UPDATE: There are reports on Twitter that the launch of the murky BitClub Network “program” has been delayed. This would be the third postponement. A purported “enormous opportunity in Bitcoin Mining,” according to veteran HYIP huckster and alleged Zeek Rewards Ponzi “winner” T. LeMont Silver, BitClub Network advertised a Sept. 1 launch date. Promoters of […]
T. LeMont Silver In Furious Name-Dropping Spree For BitClub Network; Veteran MLM Huckster Still Trails WCM777 Scam In Unofficial Record Book

3RD UPDATE 11:45 A.M. EDT U.S.A. Zeek Rewards clawback defendant T. LeMont Silver promised “training” to recruits of the emerging BitClub Network “program” — and the veteran HYIP huckster delivered by training his listeners to drop names. Lots and lots of names. Regardless, Silver might have to dial up his efforts if he hopes to […]
‘BitClub Network’ Now Reportedly Set To Launch On Sept. 10, Eve Of Anniversary Of 9/11 Attacks

The BitClub Network “program” — originally set to launch Sept 1, the 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War II — reportedly now will launch on Sept. 10. That’s the eve of the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Sept. 10 launch time is pegged for “2pm EST,” which possibly means the […]