Notes/Analysis On TelexFree: A Little Like AdSurfDaily/AdViewGlobal, TextCashNetwork, Zeek Rewards, Profitable Sunrise And World Marketing Direct Selling

UPDATED 10:22 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The purported TelexFree “opportunity” is under investigation by multiple agencies in Brazil, its purported base of operations despite competing claims the company is headquartered in the United States. The notes below concern TelexFree’s U.S. presence and positioning. They are presented in no particular order of importance. TelexFree says it is […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Florida Attorney Charged Civilly, Criminally In Alleged ‘Commodities Online’ Caper; 2 Principals (With Felony Convictions) Also Charged

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Florida attorney Michael R. Casey has been charged both civilly and criminally in the alleged Commodities Online fraud scheme, the SEC said. Also charged criminally and civilly were former Commodities Online executives James C. Howard III and Louis N. Gallo III. “This trio teamed up to employ all the hallmarks […]
UPDATE: Joe Reid, Pitchman Who Led DNA and OWOW Recruits To Disaster, Described As ‘Absolute Legend’ In Text Cash Network’s 90-Day Anniversary Call; Like DNA, TCN Claims Florida ‘Processing Center’ And ‘Tax Benefits’

The pitchman hosting a 90-day anniversary call yesterday for Text Cash Network introduced fellow TCN pitchman Joe Reid as an “absolute legend.” “In this industry, folks, facts tell, and stories sell,” a pitchman identified as “Eddie” said in remarks introducing Reid. “This gentleman is a legend — an absolute legend in the industry,” Eddie said. […]
Police Confirm That Name Of Text Cash Network Does Not Appear On Building In Boca Raton, Fla.

One of the mysteries surrounding an upstart MLM business known as Text Cash Network (TCN) only is getting deeper. Despite photos published online that show the name of “TEXT CASH NETWORK” in large letters near the crown of its purported headquarters building in Boca Raton, Fla., the Boca Raton Police Department said this morning that […]
BULLETIN: Commodities Online LLC Fraud Case Takes Unexpected Turn; Federal Judge Says Defense Attorney Accused Her Of ‘Trampling’ On Client’s Constitutional Rights In Issuing Order To Turn Over $1.45 Million To Court-Appointed Receiver

BULLETIN: A federal judge in Florida who says she was accused of “abusing” her discretion and “trampling” the Constitutional rights of a man implicated in an alleged multimillion-dollar commodities fraud by the SEC has ordered the defense attorney who made the assertions to explain himself and substantiate claims that his client had been denied due […]
WHEN PONZIS COLLIDE: Receiver’s Probe Into Commodities Online LLC ‘Severely Delayed And Impeded’ By ‘Noncooperation’; Federal Judge Orders James Clark Howard III And Sutton Capital LLC To Disgorge $1.45 Million; Firm That Listed AdSurfDaily Figure (And ‘Surf’s Up’ Mod) As ‘Director’ Sued Howard In 2010

A federal judge in Florida has ordered a convicted narcotics and firearms felon who emerged as a central figure in a Ponzi scheme case after his release from prison to disgorge $1.45 million. The order, signed Aug. 23 by U.S. District Judge Patricia A. Seitz, applies to James Clark Howard III and Sutton Capital LLC. […]
SPECIAL REPORT: SEC Sues Commodities Online LLC, Alleging Massive Fraud; Firm That Listed Surf’s Up Mod Terralynn Hoy As ‘Director’ Says It Plowed $39 Million Into Alleged Ponzi Scheme Operated By James Clark Howard III And Others

UPDATED 2:25 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) In a complex case unfolding in Florida, the SEC has filed fraud charges against two companies that allegedly sold unregistered securities and conducted a $27.5 million “investment scheme” involving “purported commodities contracts.” A receiver has been appointed to marshal the assets of the murky businesses, which are known as Commodities […]