Affiliate Promo Says MPB Today Website Fee Will Increase From $10 To $39 Oct. 1; Another Promo Claims ‘It Doesn’t Matter How’ The Program Works

Will a new price increase that ups a website fee from $10 to $39 cause scores of MPB Today affiliates to change their promos to reflect the price change? Or will the MPB Today affiliates behave like some promoters of Data Network Affiliates (DNA) and just leave old information in videos and on websites and […]
Golden Panda Forum DOA — Again; Continues To Baffle And May Have MPBToday Link

The Golden Panda Ad Zone forum, also known as the Online Success Zone (OSZ), appears to have died — again. Visitors are greeted with a note that says the forum is “currently unavailable.” Like ASAMonitor, MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold, OSZ was a site that pitched Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, cash-gifting programs and other highly questionable business […]
Like DNA, MPB Today Affiliate Targets Churches: ‘Get $200 Walmart Gift Cards And $300 Checks Over And Over Again’; Another Affiliate Advises Prospects To Focus On The Money, Not The Groceries

UPDATED 7:06 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) TO INCLUDE GRAPHIC OF SEARCH-WARRANT APPLICATION IN THEÂ U.S. SECRET SERVICE PROBE OF THE REGENESIS 2×2 MATRIX CYCLER PROMOTED AT THE ASAMONITOR FORUM. An MPB Today affiliate is targeting churches in a video animation. MPB Today is a Florida-based multilevel-marketing (MLM) program tied to a grocery business known as Southeastern […]
Michael Goldberg Pleads Guilty In $100 Million Ponzi Scheme Featuring Bogus ‘Diamond’ Sales And Bogus Ties To JP Morgan Chase Bank; Gov’t Describes Scammer As Financial Predator And Pitchmen As ‘Feeders’

EDITOR’S NOTE: The story of Michael Goldberg’s long-running Ponzi scheme is one that also includes a form of domain-name fraud. Goldberg, for example, created a website that used the name of JP Morgan Chase. Scammers routinely seek to piggyback off well-known brands to separate people from their money, sometimes using the names of famous firms […]
MLM Wireless Distributor’s Delusion Exposed: Walmart To Release Its Own Cell-Phone Plan: $45/Mo. For Unlimited Talk/Text And 100 MB Of Data — With No Contract Or Credit Check

UPDATED 9:32 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) If you’ve been bashing your brains out in an unsuccessful bid to sell cell-phone packages MLM-style — and if you believed Data Network Affiliates (DNA) when it said in April that it was offering an unlimited talk and text package for $10 a month with a free phone — you […]
EDITORIAL: Animated Attack On Obama Goes Missing From MPB Today Affiliate’s Sales Arsenal; PP Blog Declines Request From Affiliate’s MLM Sponsor To Remove Story That Describes Bizarre Sales Pitch Painting President As Nazi

Regular readers of the PP Blog know that it supports the efforts of President Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to weed out the purveyors of schemes who brought the U.S. and much of the world economy to its knees. Obama is a Democrat. What readers may not know is that the Blog is written […]
MPB Today Affiliate Website That References Food Stamp Program Has Links To At Least 100 ‘Surfing’ Programs — Some Of Which Already Have Gone Belly-Up; ‘Ken Russo’ Defends Program On Ponzi Forum

A promotional website for the MPB Today multilevel-marketing (MLM) program specifically references the U.S. Food Stamp program administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and includes links to at least 100 “paid to surf” programs, including programs that use domains registered offshore and programs that appear already to have failed. Separately, an MPB Today affiliate […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Online Claims About Acai Berry On FTC’s Radar Screen; Agency To Announce Action Against ‘Internet Marketers’ Next Week In Chicago (Oprah’s City)

In 2009, Oprah Winfrey sued more than 40 companies for trademark infringement amid claims they were fleecing the public by implying she endorsed their Acai berry products. Winfrey, an American television and business icon, is based in Chicago. Harpo Productions, which produces The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Dr. Oz Show, filed the infringement lawsuit […]
BULLETIN: Data Network Affiliates Gets ‘F’ From BBB After Purported Data Firm Did Not Respond To Complaints

BULLETIN: The Better Business Bureau of Southeast Florida and the Caribbean has given Data Network Affiliates (DNA) an “F” rating after the company failed to respond to complaints. DNA, a purported multilevel-marketing (MLM) firm, publishes a street address in Boca Raton, Fla., on its website. The BBB’s file on DNA lists the Boca Raton address. […]
DNA Now Says It Is Selling ‘Protective Spray’ To Block ‘Wrongful Ticketing’ From Red-Light Cameras; Simultaneously Announces ‘Alert Button’ To Protect Abducted Children

A Florida multilevel marketing (MLM) company that says its license-plate data system can help law enforcement and the AMBER Alert program locate abducted children now says it is working against cities “worldwide” in their efforts to enforce traffic laws. Data Network Affiliates (DNA) announced that it was offering “DNA Protective Spray” by the case to […] A ‘New DNA URL,’ Company Says: Will Members Transfer Their Prospect Lists To MLM Firm?

Data Network Affiliates (DNA) is asking members to drive traffic to yet-another URL: is at least the third URL DNA has featured this year in bids to recruit members into a multilevel-marketing (MLM) program that purportedly offers everything from license-plate data to cell-phone service and juices. Why DNA, which says it is launching […]