Narc That Car Removes Reference To AMBER Alert In Sales Video After Justice Department Denies Link To MLM Program

The Narc That Car multilevel-marketing (MLM) program has removed the name of AMBER Alert from a promotional video. Narc That Car’s removal followed on the heels of denials by the Justice Department and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) that the Dallas-based firm was affiliated with the AMBER Alert system. On Feb. […]
FTC To Announce Major ‘Law Enforcement Sweep’; Justice Department, Postal Inspectors Will Be Present At News Conference Wednesday

Still pushing work-at-home schemes on the Internet? The Federal Trade Commission has a message for you. On Wednesday, the FTC will announce a major “law enforcement sweep cracking down on job and work-at-home fraud fueled by the economic downturn,” the agency said. Investigators will release “[s]till shots from the Web sites of some of the […]
STOP THE MADNESS: Now,; Narc That Car Promoters Continue To Link Company To Legacy Of Amber Hagerman

Two days ago, we wrote about, a website with a red banner at the top that appeals to visitors to “Help us,” as though it were promoting a charity such as the Red Cross. actually is promoting Narc That Car, a Dallas-based multilevel-marketingĂ‚Â (MLM) company that is building a database to sell information […]
First Narc That Car, Now ‘PlatesRUs’: Promoter Says He Recorded 10 License Plate Numbers In Walmart Parking Lot And Earned A ‘Check’

Using a domain name similar to the famous ToysRUs brand name, a domain that has branded itself is promoting the Narc That Car multilevel-marketing program by telling prospects that earning $50 is a simple as going down to the local Walmart parking lot and writing down 10 license-plate numbers of WalMart shoppers. The PlatesRUs […]
Narc That Car ‘Not A Part’ Of Secondary AMBER Alert System; National Center For Missing & Exploited Children Official Says Integrity Of AMBER Alert Name ‘Needs To Be Protected’

UPDATED 2:39 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Narc That Car is not affiliated with the AMBER Alert Secondary Distribution Program, an official said yesterday. Robert Hoever’s comments followed on the heels of a denial by the Justice Department that Narc That Car was affiliated with the AMBER Alert program — despite repeated claims by Narc That Car […]
JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: Amber Alert System ‘No Way’ Affiliated With Narc That Car MLM Program

Shooting down claims by affiliates of Narc That Car, the U.S. Department of Justice said this morning that the Amber Alert System is in “no way affiliated” with the Narc That Car multilevel-marketing (MLM) program. The denial comes on the heels of repeated claims by Narc That Car affiliates that the company, which says it […]
BREAKING NEWS: Justice Department Establishes Information Hotline For AdSurfDaily, GP, LFD Victims
Victim of the alleged AdSurfDaily autosurf Ponzi scheme? Want the latest information about claims and how the proposed restitution program is shaping up? The Department of Justice has established a special telephone number for the ASD case. By calling the number, you’ll hear a recording that updates members on developments in the case, which involves […]