DEVELOPING STORY: Thai Police Bust ‘UFunClub,’ Yet Another Cross-Border Network-Marketing Program; Case May Involve $307 Million

UPDATED 9:10 A.M. EDT U.S.A. It’s whack-a-mole via MLM or network marketing — again. There are reports in Thai media about a major pyramid/Ponzi bust involving a cross-border “program” known as “UFunClub.” (See links below.) No American suspects appear to have been arrested or named so far, but Americans have promoted UFunClub. One of them, […]
YouTube Video Pitchmen For Profitable Sunrise Hit By Subpoenas From SEC

EDITOR’S NOTE: Much remains murky about Profitable Sunrise, the alleged purveyor of five HYIP “plans,” including one bizarrely dubbed the “Long Haul” that purported to pay a preposterous 2.7 percent a day. The “Long Haul” payoff was dubbed the “Easter Gift.” Investors were told it would arrive April 1 — but it never materialized. One […]
Joe Borg Of Alabama Securities Commission Tells WSFA That Profitable Sunrise Worked Because People ‘Kind Of Glossed Over The Mathematics’

EDITOR’S NOTE: Alabama was one of the first U.S. states to take action against the Profitable Sunrise HYIP “program,” issuing both an Investor Alert and a cease-and-desist order last month. The C&D lists two alleged “agents” of Profitable Sunrise, demonstrating that a “program” can create problems for pitchmen, perhaps even as the “program” operators make […]