WTOL To Air Profitable Sunrise Report Titled ‘Holy Rip Off’

EDITOR’S NOTE: GlimDropper, an administrator at the RealScam.com antiscam forum, gave PP Blog readers a heads-up on the WTOL report yesterday . . . WTOL, the CBS affiliate in Toledo, Ohio, says it will air a report Thursday (April 25) at 11 p.m. EDT titled “Holy Rip Off.” A teaser for the report shows photos […]
EDITORIAL: Randy Schroeder Of Mona Vie Emerges As Zeek Critic And Asks MLMers To Open Their Eyes; Troy Dooly Takes Him To The Woodshed — And Plants Seed Zeek May Sue; JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid ‘Defender’ ‘MoneyMakingBrain’ Dials Up Bizarre Intimidation Campaign, Plants Seed Frederick Mann May Sue

“It’s gonna blow up; it’s gonna be an ugly blow-up. It’ll probably happen sooner, not later. And it will leave a trail of devastation behind it. And I urge you to not even consider them.” — Comment on Zeek Rewards by Randy Schroeder, president of North America and Europe for Mona Vie, July 16, 2012 UPDATED […]
RECOMMENDED READING: Alaska ‘Sovereigns’ Guilty Of Murder Conspiracy Against Public Officials; Site Linked To Purported JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Operator Displayed Videos Of Francis Schaeffer Cox, Newly Convicted ‘Militia’ Man

On Feb. 27, the PP Blog reported that a website registered in the name of purported JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid operator Frederick Mann was publishing links to at least 11 videos featuring Francis Schaeffer Cox, an Alaska man implicated in an alleged “militia” murder plot against public officials. These were among the remarks attributed to Mann at […]
KABOOM! Alleged International Scammer Targeted In Secret Service Undercover Probe Extradited To United States; ‘Prosecution Demonstrates That Those Who Try To Rip Off Americans From Behind A Computer Screen Across An Ocean Will Not Escape American Justice,’ Top Federal Prosecutor Says

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog first reported on the arrest in France of alleged international fraudster Vladislav Anatolievich Horohorin on Aug. 11, 2010. The arrest came as the result of an undercover operation the U.S. Secret Service conducted on online forums. As the Blog reported at the time, “The arrest of Vladislav Horohorin is notable […]
UPDATE: ‘MoneyMakingBrain’ Asserts PP Blog Will ‘Go Down In Flames’ — Plus, He Suggests He’s In ‘Law Enforcement’ And May Issue Subpoena
“In law enforcement, we look into the IP address and whether is real or not (proxy). Then your service provider gives the account information with the customer’s name and address, then a warrant is made, then a police task force is dispatched with agents to raid your home or office, arrests you and seizes all […]
FRIDAY HYIP ODDITIES: (1) Spammer Swipes PP Blog Graphic, Uses It In Bid To Promote LibertyReserve; (2) Other Spammers Target JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Threads; (3) ‘MoneyMakingBrain’ Calls Blog ‘BIG Idiot’ And ‘Deceptive Unethical Lowlife’

Here is an imponderable: Is there any ceiling to the absurdities in the HYIP sphere and the destructive force it exercises around the web? On Wednesday, the PP Blog received repeated spams from U.S.-based IPs. The spammer used the handle “invest liberty reserve” and targeted two threads, including this one about JSS Tripler 2, a […]
UPDATE: Antihistorical ‘MoneyMakingBrain’ Claim: ‘Law Enforcement Agencies Don’t Pay Attention To What’s Being Said On Forums And Blogs’

“There is a line between First Amendment Rights vs. Libel here. So, when does your right to form an opinion begins (sic) and when does it constitute a defamation of character? The answer is, law enforcement agencies don’t pay attention to what’s being said on forums and blogs, so get your head straight and feet […]
‘MoneyMakingBrain,’ Advocate For JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid, Emails Threats To PP Blog; ‘That’s Not A Threat, It’s A Promise,’ First Email Claims; Second Suggests He’ll Create Banking Trouble For Blog Poster And Defend JSS Tripler Operator ‘So Help Me God’

“Either we talk about here, or I talk about somewhere else (that’s not a threat, it’s a promise :)” — ‘MoneyMakingBrain (MMB), in email threat to PP Blog, Feb. 29, 2012, 7:52 a.m. ET UPDATED 4:22 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) It has happened again: The PP Blog has received yet another threat via email for its […]