Rajiv Dixit

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Rajiv Dixit."

Embezzled Banners Broker Pyramid Funds Allegedly Ended Up In ‘KulClub,’ Another Ponzi-Board MLM Program

Embezzled Banners Broker Pyramid Funds Allegedly Ended Up In 'KulClub,' Another Ponzi-Board MLM Program

2ND UPDATE 2:25 P.M. EDT U.S.A. More horrible PR for the MLM trade: Banners Broker international pitchman and pyramid-scheme figure Kuldip Josun embezzled at least $3.6 million from affiliates, according to a receiver’s report. The money was deposited into a Swiss bank account held by an entity known as World Web Media Inc. and appears […]

Banners Broker Figure May Be Using ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Tactics On Canadian Court Officials

Banners Broker Figure May Be Using 'Sovereign Citizen' Tactics On Canadian Court Officials

Remember when Simon Stepsys — now with the cross-border MyAdvertisingPays scheme — was pushing the uber-bizarre Banners Broker cross-border scheme? New court filings in Canada by the receiver and liquidators in the Banners Broker case now estimate the total haul of the alleged double-your-money pyramid scam at more than $156 million. That’s up from an […]

BULLETIN: 2 Arrested In Alleged ‘Banners Broker’ Pyramid Scheme

BULLETIN: 2 Arrested In Alleged 'Banners Broker' Pyramid Scheme

BULLETIN: (14th Update 3:39 p.m. ET U.S.A.) Toronto police have arrested “Banners Broker” figures Christopher George Smith of Toronto and Rajiv Dixit of Vancouver. Both suspects are 45 and are scheduled to make a court appearance today, police said. The scheme allegedly raised $93 million (U.S.). They have been charged with Defrauding the Public of Over […]