Banners Broker Figure May Be Using ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Tactics On Canadian Court Officials

From a purported “Cease and Desist” order by Banners Broker figure Rajiv Dixit. Red highlights by PP Blog.
Remember when Simon Stepsys — now with the cross-border MyAdvertisingPays scheme — was pushing the uber-bizarre Banners Broker cross-border scheme?
New court filings in Canada by the receiver and liquidators in the Banners Broker case now estimate the total haul of the alleged double-your-money pyramid scam at more than $156 million. That’s up from an earlier estimate by Toronto police of $93 million. If the $156 million figure proves correct, it would make Banners Broker a bigger fraud than the $119 million AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme broken up by the U.S. Secret Service in 2008.
Like MAPS, which currently is operating, ASD and Banners Broker purported to be “advertising” companies. The ASD case threw down the gauntlet on securities companies trying to evade the law by pretending to be “advertising” firms.
But the apparent upstaging of ASD by Banners Broker in dollar volume in the purported “advertising” trade is not the only news.
Rajiv Dixit, one of the Banners Broker figures who helped put Stepsys in the position of getting rich from online fraud schemes, was arrested in Canada in December 2015.
Filings April 4 by the receiver and liquidators in the case show that Dixit may be trying to use “sovereign citizen” courtroom tactics against them in Canadian proceedings. In the United States, AdSurfDaily figure Kenneth Wayne Leaming tried the same thing in that case.
The Banners Broker receiver and liquidators have reported Dixit’s alleged activities to the court.
Specifically, they say Dixit, who calls himself “the man master rajiv of the family dixit” [sic] and his targets “interlopers,” is trying to foist a bogus “Cease and Desist” order on them that threatens a fine of $36 per second if they don’t back off from their judicially mandated duties. Dixit apparently wants to be paid in “silver dollars.”
From the receiver/liquidators (italics added):
The Cease and Desist Notices go on to state that if the Court Officers and their counsel do not cease and desist “all actions and claims against Mr. Rajiv Dixit and or Rajiv Dixit forthwith” Dixit will invoice them $47,304,000.00 silver dollars “[p]lus, for each second starting at 12:00:01 AM until the cease and desist is complied with, each Respondent will be charged an additional $36.000 per second.”
Leaming, a “sovereign citizen” now in a U.S. federal prison in part for harassing officials who played a role in the ASD case, once sent a bill demanding payment of 208,000 ounces of “99.9% fine silver” from a judge.
Court filings in other cross-border cases — including Zeek Rewards and DFRF Enterprises — have signaled that “sovereigns” also were involved in those schemes.
With Banners Broker, Dixit called his affiliates “stupid,” according to the new filings by the receiver and liquidators.
Visit the antiscam forum to read the filings.
Why are these Ponzi kingpings always batshit crazy bonkers?
Not sure. If history is any guide, perhaps we’ll start hearing about the Illuminati or the Bilderbergs or the reptilian aliens, as was the case with ASD.
Some folks say it’s best to stock up on the tinfoil, especially when it hasn’t been produced with fluoridated water.
What else are they going to do when they’ve been caught red handed running a multi million dollar US based fraud ??
I am just surprised he didn’t try to claim BB was not a Canadian Company, and therefore the Canadian Authorities did not have jurisdiction instead of this sheer nonsense. Unless of course he setting himself up to claim t he “insanity defense.”
problem is this isn’t his first rodeo if I remember correctly.