Rhalff Junio de Almeida Coutinho

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Rhalff Junio de Almeida Coutinho."

BULLETIN: New TelexFree Money-Laundering Allegations In Brazil Ensnare Wives, Relatives Of Wanzeler And Costa

BULLETIN: New TelexFree Money-Laundering Allegations In Brazil Ensnare Wives, Relatives Of Wanzeler And Costa

Fifteen TelexFree figures have been linked to a money-laundering scheme in Brazil, according to the Federal Public Ministry of EspĂ­rito Santo (MPF/ES). Among those linked were TelexFree principals Carlos Wanzeler and Carlos Costa and their wives, MPF/ES said today. Katia Wanzeler, Wanzeler’s wife, is believed still to be residing in the United States. U.S. prosecutors […]