Rodney Blackburn

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Rodney Blackburn."

UPDATE: ‘Bacon’ Program Pushed By ‘Achieve Community’ Hucksters Reportedly Put On Hold By ‘Admin’; Second Program May Be DOA After Purported Payza Freeze

UPDATE: 'Bacon' Program Pushed By 'Achieve Community' Hucksters Reportedly Put On Hold By 'Admin'; Second Program May Be DOA After Purported Payza Freeze

UPDATED 6:20 A.M. ET U.S.A. “BRING THE BACON HOME,” a bizarre Ponzi-board “program” purportedly operated by “Sherilyn” from “Singapore” and pushed on YouTube by Achieve Community hucksters Rodney Blackburn and Mike Chitty, reportedly collapsed during a so-called Beta launch this week and has been put on hold. The “program” purportedly turns $40 into $1,800. Achieve […]

DEVELOPING STORY: Post On EgoPay Blog Claims Hack, ‘Gap In The Cash Reserves,’ Embezzlement And Staff Suspensions; Some ‘Achieve Community’ Promoters Are Pushing Other Ponzi-Board Schemes That Claim EgoPay Tie

DEVELOPING STORY: Post On EgoPay Blog Claims Hack, 'Gap In The Cash Reserves,' Embezzlement And Staff Suspensions; Some 'Achieve Community' Promoters Are Pushing Other Ponzi-Board Schemes That Claim EgoPay Tie

UPDATED 1:09 P.M. ET U.S.A. The Blog on the website of the EgoPay payment processor claims in a Jan. 22 post that the company was hacked on Dec. 28. The claims, which the PP Blog cannot confirm, read like a spy novel that marries insidious financial fraud and escalating computer fraud to uber-bizarre palace intrigue. […]

Network-Marketing Pitchman Camps Out At SEC Website, Produces Commercial For Achieve Community, Unison Wealth And Trinity Lines; ‘They’re Passive . . . You Just Kind Of Put Your Money Down’ And Receive Payouts

Network-Marketing Pitchman Camps Out At SEC Website, Produces Commercial For Achieve Community, Unison Wealth And Trinity Lines; 'They're Passive . . . You Just Kind Of Put Your Money Down' And Receive Payouts

EDITOR’S NOTE: The screen shots below show that Rodney Blackburn ends his “Unison Wealth” promo at the 8:29 mark of a 14:27 video. At the 8:30 mark, the website of the SEC becomes the feature and remains so for nearly the next six minutes as Blackburn touts Achieve Community, Unison Wealth and Trinity Lines, Ponzi-board […]

RODNEY’S FOLLY: ‘We Want Achieve To Work So Badly,’ But Sign Up For ‘Trinity Lines’ While You’re Waiting

RODNEY'S FOLLY: 'We Want Achieve To Work So Badly,' But Sign Up For 'Trinity Lines' While You're Waiting

“They want so badly to believe in the tooth fairy.” — Fred Joseph, then-Colorado Securities Commissioner, February 2013. (As told to the Durango Herald in “For a Ponzi payout, call the tooth fairy.”) UPDATED 1:27 P.M. ET U.S.A. Fred Joseph announced his retirement in December 2013, after 30 years in public service. He’d seen it […]

‘Achieve Community’ Heads Underground In Run-Up To New Year, As Promoters Switch To New Ponzi-Board Scams

'Achieve Community' Heads Underground In Run-Up To New Year, As Promoters Switch To New Ponzi-Board Scams

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Legisi HYIP scheme was a Ponzi-board “program” that tried to hide underground in 2007/08, even as state and federal investigators were conducting an undercover probe that eventually led to the arrests and subsequent convictions of the purveyor-in-chief and a pitchman for the $72 million fraud. One of the evidence exhibits in the […]