Jeunesse MLM Rep Pulls A Piccolo

Truth In Advertising ( reported yesterday that a website styled JeunesseReserve at a WordPress site had positioned the MLM juice offering Jeunesse Reserve as a product that will reverse the course of gangrene in patients with diabetes who are facing amputations. According to the product claim, a woman with diabetes had developed gangrene of the finger and no longer could […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Achieve Community’s Kristi Johnson Charged Criminally

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (13th Update 1:43 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) After an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service, Kristi Johnson (Kristine Louise Johnson) of the “Achieve Community” has been charged criminally with wire-fraud conspiracy and has agreed to plead guilty, federal prosecutors said. “By the time the scheme collapsed in February 2015, the conspirators […]
Another Rodney Blackburn ‘Program’ DOA

4th Update 1:15 p.m. EDT U.S.A. “Daily-Earnings,” yet another Ponzi-board scheme pushed by Achieve Community huckster Rodney Blackburn, appears to have met its demise. The “https” dotcom for Daily-Earnings is publishing a “Your web space is ready to go!” message, suggesting front-page content has been moved from the site. Not all pages of the site, […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Thai Police Bust ‘UFunClub,’ Yet Another Cross-Border Network-Marketing Program; Case May Involve $307 Million

UPDATED 9:10 A.M. EDT U.S.A. It’s whack-a-mole via MLM or network marketing — again. There are reports in Thai media about a major pyramid/Ponzi bust involving a cross-border “program” known as “UFunClub.” (See links below.) No American suspects appear to have been arrested or named so far, but Americans have promoted UFunClub. One of them, […]
‘Achieve Community’ Figure Rodney Blackburn Now Touting ‘Tea’; Panel From Video Says It ‘Mitigates HIV’ And ‘Prevents Colds And Flu’

UPDATED 3:08 P.M. ET U.S.A. Fresh from the alleged “Achieve Community” pyramid- and Ponzi scheme, the apparent collapse of “Trinity Lines” and potential debacles involving “BRING THE BACON HOME,” “Unison Wealth” and others, Rodney Blackburn now is promoting a “tea” purported to mitigate HIV. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. The tea, called “laso,” […]
BULLETIN: ‘MooreFund,’ A Ponzi-Board HYIP ‘Program’ Pushed By Achieve Community Huckster, Is Using Unauthorized Security Seal From Norton

BULLETIN: (Updated 8:17 a.m. ET Feb. 25 U.S.A.) An HYIP “program” that operates at is using a “Norton Secured” seal that is not authorized, Symantec told the PP Blog late this afternoon. Symantec, owner of the famous Norton brand, is a software and computer-security company. Its name is misspelled as “Symentec” on the FAQ […]
BULLETIN: ‘Trinity Lines,’ A ‘Program’ Pushed By ‘Achieve Community’ Huckster Rodney Blackburn, Goes Missing After Targeting People Of Faith

BULLETIN: (2nd Update 2:35 p.m. ET U.S.A.) A Ponzi-board “program” known as “Trinity Lines” that was targeted at people of faith and was pushed by “Achieve Community” huckster Rodney Blackburn has gone missing. The domain name now resolves to a GoDaddy page, despite claims from Trinity Lines just two days ago that “[e]xciting times are […]
In Wake Of Asset-Seizure Claim, Videos By ‘Achieve Community’ Huckster Rodney Blackburn Go Missing From You Tube

With “Achieve Community” members posting on Facebook over the long President’s Day weekend claims attributed to co-founder Troy Barnes that he was under criminal investigation and assets had been seized, something seemed a bit odd on YouTube: Search results appeared to demote Rodney Blackburn in listings when the term “Achieve Community” was entered into the […]
‘Achieve Community’ Huckster Rodney Blackburn In New Ponzi-Board HYIP Scam: Rockfeller Asset Management Limited

UPDATED 9:54 P.M. ET U.S.A. It’s called “Rockfeller.” Like the massive TelexFree scam in Massachusetts, it is using the address of a Regus office center — only this time the facility is in London. A Ponzi-board scheme similar to Rockfeller — Profitable Sunrise — may have swindled tens of millions of dollars before disappearing two […]
‘Achieve Community’ Websites Inaccessible

UPDATED 12:20 P.M. ET U.S.A. Two websites associated with the “Achieve Community” — and — are inaccessible this morning. Achieve Community is under investigation by the Colorado Division of Securities. The PP Blog asked the Division this morning if it was aware of the outage and whether the inaccessibility of the sites had […]
Promos By ‘Achieve Community’ Huckster For ‘Military Medical Relief 21’ Go Missing From YouTube

UPDATED 12:11 P.M. ET U.S.A. Two YouTube promos that asked U.S. military personnel and 20-year retirees to enroll in a purported study piggybacking off a purported “compound medication” to treat pain have been deleted. The promos were linked last month to “Achieve Community” huckster Rodney Blackburn, who also created a Facebook site to promote “Military […]