Banners Broker Figure May Be Using ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Tactics On Canadian Court Officials

Remember when Simon Stepsys — now with the cross-border MyAdvertisingPays scheme — was pushing the uber-bizarre Banners Broker cross-border scheme? New court filings in Canada by the receiver and liquidators in the Banners Broker case now estimate the total haul of the alleged double-your-money pyramid scam at more than $156 million. That’s up from an […]
MyAdvertisingPays Incorporated In Jurisdiction Mentioned Prominently In ‘Panama Papers’; Its Payment Vendor Lists Individuals Referenced In At Least 2 Spectacular Fraud Schemes

8TH UPDATE 11:53 P.M. EDT U.S.A. Before we get to the news that a federal judge took only a day to dismiss an April 6 libel lawsuit filed by the MyAdvertisingPays (MAPS) scheme and operator Michael E. Deese against the TaraTalks Blog, we’ll note that the 16-page complaint confirms that MAPS is incorporated in Anguilla. Anguilla is […]
BULLETIN: MyAdvertisingPays (MAPS) Again Referenced In TelexFree Litigation; Lawyer Calls It A Ponzi Scheme While Calling Simon Stepsys A ‘Ponzi Mogul’

BULLETIN: (6th update 7:23 p.m. ET U.S.A.) Class-action lawyers pursuing claims against TelexFree promoters have called the My Advertising Pays (MAPS) “program” a Ponzi scheme and described MAPS promoter Simon Stepsys as a “Ponzi mogul.” The case itself is not against MAPs. Even so, the lawyers now have made repeated references to MAPs and are lambasting the serial […]
BULLETIN: Class-Action Proposed Against 20,000 Alleged TelexFree Winners — With MAPS Pitchman As Lead Defendant

BULLETIN: Class-action attorney Robert J. Bonsignore has asked a federal judge for permission to file a third amended consolidated complaint that effectively would sue at least 20,000 “net winners” in the TelexFree scheme shut down by the SEC last year. The proposal would name alleged TelexFree promoter Daniil Shoyfer the lead class-action defendant, effectively making […]
SPECIAL REPORT: MyAdvertisingPays, Zeek Figures Sued In TelexFree Class Action; AdSurfDaily And Zeek Cases Cited Repeatedly; Alleged ‘Private Jet’ Also Referenced In 200-Page Complaint

EDITOR’S NOTE: Certain reports by the PP Blog that are available to any person with an Internet connection are referenced in a consolidated, amended prospective class-action complaint that makes claims against various defendants with an alleged association with TelexFree. Information from other publicly available sites, including, and others, also is referenced. The purpose […]