Gary Calhoun, MPB Today MLM Operator, Jailed In Florida

UPDATED 5:52 P.M. EDT (JULY 31, U.S.A.) Gary Calhoun, the operator of the MPB Today MLM program who was charged in December with racketeering under Florida state law, is listed as a prisoner at the Escambia County Jail. Today was Calhoun’s sentencing date. The length of his sentence was not immediately clear. [July 31 UPDATE: […]
UPDATE: MPB Today Operator Ordered To Stay Away From MLM As He Awaits Sentencing In Racketeering Case; Separately, MLM ‘Programs’ Get Pounded In The Press

Gary Calhoun, the operator of the MPB Today MLM “program,” has joined AdSurfDaily Ponzi schemer Andy Bowdoin as a member of a dubious club: A Florida judge has ordered Calhoun not to get arrested on new charges and to stay away from MLM while he awaits sentencing in a racketeering case brought by Florida authorities […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Gary Calhoun, MPB Today Operator, Pleads Guilty To Racketeering Charge In Florida

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (UPDATED 1:06 P.M. ET U.S.A.) Gary Calhoun, the operator of the the MPB Today MLM “program” and a companion grocery-delivery business known as Southeastern Delivery, has pleaded guilty to a state-level racketeering charge in Florida. He was charged in December. Calhoun, 56, of Pensacola, was not immediately sentenced. But he […]
UPDATE: Hearing For Gary Calhoun, MPB Today Operator, Reset For Feb. 4

UPDATE: A hearing for Gary Calhoun set for yesterday in Florida’s Escambia County Circuit Court on a state-level racketeering charge has been rescheduled for Feb. 4, according to the docket of the case. Calhoun, 56, of Pensacola, was arrested last month on the racketeering charge. He is the operator of the MPB Today MLM “program” […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Feds Filed Forfeiture Complaint Against Property Linked To MPB Today MLM Operator, Who Is Subject Of Fraud Probe

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Gary A. Calhoun is the subject of a criminal probe linked to a civil-forfeiture action in federal court in the Northern District of Florida, according to court filings by his attorney. Calhoun, 56, is the operator of the MPB Today MLM, which is tied to a grocery-delivery business in Pensacola […]
Inc? MPB Today Back In The News, But Is Press Release Dated Yesterday Accurate? MLM ‘Opportunity’ Was Subject Of Bizarre Promos Last Year, Including 1 In Which Obama Was Painted As Nazi And Hillary Clinton Was Cast As Bawling Drunk

A Florida grocery company with an MLM arm is back in the news — but a press release that describes MPB Today as a corporation may not be accurate. The press release dated yesterday is titled “MPBtoday Inc. Announces New Openings in Pensacola, Florida.” The release does not describe the purported “new openings,” and […]
Name Of New Bank Appears On MPB Today Checks; Images Posted On .Org Affiliate Site; Other Affiliates Tape UPS Driver Delivering TV From ‘Grocery’ Program

An MPB Today affiliate’s site on a .org domain is publishing images of checks that suggest the purported “grocery” MLM in Pensacola either has switched banks or is using a second bank. The checks are dated Oct. 8 and bear the name of Whitney National Bank of Pensacola. Previous images of checks published by MPB […]
DEVELOPING STORY: A Second Reference To MPB Today ‘Rebates’; Domain Implies Company Offers Cash To Join; Email Address On Affiliate Site Associated With Defunct Company In Miami; No Immediate Comment From USDA

UPDATED 11:47 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) An affiliate domain linked to the MPB Today “grocery” program implies the company offers “rebates” to prospects who join the MLM company. The domain redirects to an MPB Today-provided affiliate site, which includes an email address for the promoter. The promoter’s email address is associated with yet another domain — […]
Yet-Another Website With MPB Today Promo Uses Walmart’s Name In Domain Name; Site Targets Spanish-Speakers; Waves Check, Gift Card; Displays Images Of Buffet, Trump, Walmart

A website that promotes the MPB Today “grocery” program is targeted at Spanish-speaking prospects and uses Walmart’s name in its domain name. Like at least three other websites linked to Florida-based MPB Today’s 2×2 matrix cycler, it is unclear if the site’s operator has Walmart’s permission to use its name in a domain name. The […]
BULLETIN: USDA Following Specific Leads In MPB Today Matter; Agency’s Food And Nutrition Arm Will ‘Take Appropriate Action As Needed’

BULLETIN: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said this afternoon that the agency’s Food and Nutrition Service is following specific leads in the MPB Today matter and will “take appropriate action as needed.” For the first time, the agency used the word “investigate” in its remarks about MPB Today, an MLM tied to a purported […]
Pensacola Fraudsters Sentenced To Federal Prison; Pinnacle Quest International Vendors Sold ‘Tax And Credit Card Debt Elimination Scams,’ Federal Prosecutors, IRS Say

“They helped form a series of sham business entities and then promoted fraudulent debt elimination tactics intended for the sole purpose of concealing income from the IRS.” — Victor S. O. Song, chief, IRS Criminal Investigation As the U.S. Department of Agriculture was conducting a “review” of claims made by affiliates of a purported “grocery” […]