Full Statement From Zeek Receiver On Motion To Certify Net Winner Class

EDITOR’S NOTE: Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell has issued the following statement (below). The original is here and is dated July 30, 2014. “RVG” stands for Rex Venture Group, the operator of Zeek. Zeek is alleged to be a Ponzi- and pyramid scheme that gathered on the order of $850 million. The receiver’s statement addresses […]
SPECIAL REPORT: Like AdSurfDaily And OneX Before It, Alleged TelexFree Pyramid Scheme May Be Engaging In Game Of Payment-Processor Roulette

“While reviewing the ASD website in the District of Columbia, [an undercover agent] found a posting within ASD’s News section, apparently posted by ASD on July 2, 2008. The title of the posting was, “Alert Pay & Direct Deposit are being phased out July 31, 2008.” According to ASD’s posting, “We have notified BOA not […]
Zeekers Targeted In New Scheme With Ties To Piccolo Organization

BULLETIN: Zeek Rewards members are being targeted in a new scheme with ties to the Phil Piccolo organization and are being solicited for sums ranging from $600 to $60,000 “in return for ” . . . “guaranteed 50 percent interest” from a purported “unique and legal loan system” over an unspecified time period, the PP […]
Notes/Analysis On TelexFree: A Little Like AdSurfDaily/AdViewGlobal, TextCashNetwork, Zeek Rewards, Profitable Sunrise And World Marketing Direct Selling

UPDATED 10:22 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The purported TelexFree “opportunity” is under investigation by multiple agencies in Brazil, its purported base of operations despite competing claims the company is headquartered in the United States. The notes below concern TelexFree’s U.S. presence and positioning. They are presented in no particular order of importance. TelexFree says it is […]
EDITORIAL: Karl Wallenda Wouldn’t Do Zeek

In this editorial: Our assertion: Were he alive today and desperately needed cash, famed daredevil Karl Wallenda would find Zeek’s tightropes too dangerous to walk. Purported MLM “expert” sent to woodshed: Zeek “consultant” and former SEC defendant Keith Laggos reportedly gets the Zeek boot after using phrases associated with the investment trade and after suggesting […]
UPDATE: Text Cash Network, Firm With Phil Piccolo Tie, Now Fishing For ‘International Satellite Partners’ And $25,000 Deposits — After Earlier Piccolo-Associated Firm Asked For $14,995 At A Time For Offshore ‘Resorts’ Program

“WE NEED INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE PARTNERS: #1 must have minimum $25,000 deposit. #2 must have a good name in the country. #3 must be very honest and trustworthy. If you know of such a person in your country have them send a request to [deleted]@textcashnetwork.com.” — Feb. 13, 2012, Blog promo for Text Cash Network UPDATED […]
UPDATE: Alleged JSS Tripler Promoter Referenced In Probe By Italian Securities Regulator CONSOB Also Is Pitchman For U.S.-Based Text Cash Network; Promoter’s Individual Domain Name Suspended; Ponzi-Forum Cheerleading Continues As JSS Tripler Website Encounters Problems

EDITOR’S NOTE: HYIP critics long have pointed out that many Internet-based schemes have members in common and that the interconnectivity of certain schemes creates a condition in which fraud proceeds circulate from scheme to scheme to scheme. Such fraud schemes can mushroom to involve tens of thousands — or even hundreds of thousands — of […]
UPDATE: Joe Reid, Pitchman Who Led DNA and OWOW Recruits To Disaster, Described As ‘Absolute Legend’ In Text Cash Network’s 90-Day Anniversary Call; Like DNA, TCN Claims Florida ‘Processing Center’ And ‘Tax Benefits’

The pitchman hosting a 90-day anniversary call yesterday for Text Cash Network introduced fellow TCN pitchman Joe Reid as an “absolute legend.” “In this industry, folks, facts tell, and stories sell,” a pitchman identified as “Eddie” said in remarks introducing Reid. “This gentleman is a legend — an absolute legend in the industry,” Eddie said. […]
SPECIAL REPORT: OWOW, Phil Piccolo-Associated Firm That Pumped Text Cash Network, Purportedly Cited ‘Financial Trouble’ Last Summer And Sought ‘Brand New People’ To ‘Pay Off All Of The Past Commissions And Money Owed To Suppliers’

UPDATED 5:05 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Did One World One Website Inc. (OWOW) — the Phil Piccolo-associated company that appears to have been given some of the top positions in Text Cash Network (TCN) and recruited a huge downline with the knowledge of TCN management — try to fix its own problems last year by hatching […]
UPDATE: Text Cash Network Creates Even More Name Confusion With ‘ASSIGNMENT’ Clause That Appeared On ‘Purchase Agreement’ Page

Some affiliates have claimed Text Cash Network (TCN) is part of a company known as “The Johnson Group.” Others have added an ampersand and mimicked the name of an internationally famous company, saying TCN is part of the “Johnson & Johnson Group.” Although photos appear online that show the name “TEXT CASH NETWORK” in large […]
‘AutoXTen,’ Ponzi Forum Darling And Scheme Linked To Former DNA And Narc That Car Pitchman Jeff Long, Goes Missing After Long Traded On Patriotism And Claimed ‘Opportunity’ Was Appropriate For ‘Churches’

AutoXTen, the absurd matrix cycler that came to life this summer even as the state of Oregon was issuing a public warning against pyramid schemes and ordering a $345,000 penalty against a cycler pitchman, has gone missing. The AutoXTen website is registered in the name of Jeff Long, an MLM huckster who sang the praises […]