U.S. Secret Service

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "U.S. Secret Service."

Legisi HYIP Pitchman Matthew John Gagnon Pleads Guilty, Admits He Didn’t Disclose ‘Touting’ Compensation Of More Than $1 Million And Caused More Than $7 Million In Losses

Legisi HYIP Pitchman Matthew John Gagnon Pleads Guilty, Admits He Didn't Disclose 'Touting' Compensation Of More Than $1 Million And Caused More Than $7 Million In Losses

Legisi HYIP Ponzi-scheme pitchman Matthew John Gagnon has pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of Michigan to a criminal charge of not disclosing he’d been paid more than $1 million by Legisi and its operator Gregory N. McKnight to tout the “program” online. In a plea agreement now public after being fashioned in October and […]

Convicted Ponzi Schemer Andy Bowdoin Of AdSurfDaily Now Listed As Inmate In Florida Federal Prison [UPDATED FEB. 8]

Convicted Ponzi Schemer Andy Bowdoin Of AdSurfDaily Now Listed As Inmate In Florida Federal Prison [UPDATED FEB. 8]

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post originally was published Jan. 24 at 7:33 p.m. It was updated Feb. 8 to include this editor’s note reflecting that Andy Bowdoin now is listed as an inmate at the federal prison camp in Pensacola, Fla. (Pensacola FPC.)  The original story published Jan. 24 appears below and includes some edits to […]

BULLETIN: Grand Jury Returns Superseding Indictment Against AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Kenneth Wayne Leaming

BULLETIN: Grand Jury Returns Superseding Indictment Against AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' Kenneth Wayne Leaming

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 4:38 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) A federal grand jury in the Western District of Washington has returned a superseding indictment against AdSurfDaily figure and purported “sovereign citizen” Kenneth Wayne Leaming. It is the second superseding indictment against Leaming. The first was filed in 2012. The new indictment was returned yesterday, a day after the […]

BULLETIN: Receiver Says $12 Million In Zeek Money Located ‘In An Eastern European Country’ — But Has Not Been Returned

BULLETIN: Receiver Says $12 Million In Zeek Money Located 'In An Eastern European Country' -- But Has Not Been Returned

BULLETIN: (2ND UPDATE 8:47 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case says he has located $12 million in receivership assets held in an unspecified “eastern European country” — but the funds have not been returned. “This account is owned and was used by a payment processor outside the United States […]

‘American Greed’ Producing Episode On Trevor Cook Ponzi Fraud; Seniors, People Of Faith Fleeced By Cook And His Pitchmen

'American Greed' Producing Episode On Trevor Cook Ponzi Fraud; Seniors, People Of Faith Fleeced By Cook And His Pitchmen

CNBC’s “American Greed” will be in Minneapolis today to begin filming an episode on the massive Trevor Cook Ponzi scheme that was targeted at senior citizens and conservative Christians and rendered some victims penniless, a source told the PP Blog. Cook’s scheme gathered about $194 million. It collapsed in 2009. Money that potentially could go […]

UPDATE: Leaming — Again: After Earlier Claiming He’d Been Targeted For ‘DEATH,’ AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Now Claims’ He’s Been Subjected To ‘POISON’ And ‘TORTURE’

UPDATE: Leaming -- Again: After Earlier Claiming He'd Been Targeted For 'DEATH,' AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' Now Claims' He's Been Subjected To 'POISON' And 'TORTURE'

In 2009, AdSurfDaily figure and purported “sovereign citizen” Kenneth Wayne Leaming claimed a city in Washington state targeted him for “DEATH” and threatened to kill him by “HUNTING” him down “in screaming packs and mobs” and using “several armed street gangs” that served as police, according to records. Leaming, now 57, further claimed the Pierce […]

UPDATE: ASD’s Andy Bowdoin Incarcerated At Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center

UPDATE: ASD's Andy Bowdoin Incarcerated At Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center

Convicted 1-percent-a-day Ponzi schemer Andy Bowdoin is listed as an inmate at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, a development that likely means the 78-year-old  AdSurfDaily patriarch is on his way to a federal prison. Bowdoin, a Floridian, last year requested to be incarcerated in Florida. The PP Blog was unable to determine immediately […]

Former Zeek Pitchman Who Also Pushed JSS/JBP Scam Reportedly Doubts He’ll Be Paid By ProfitClicking, A Follow-Up ‘Program’

Former Zeek Pitchman Who Also Pushed JSS/JBP Scam Reportedly Doubts He'll Be Paid By ProfitClicking, A Follow-Up 'Program'

Former Zeek Rewards and JSSTripler/JustBeenPaid pitchman “Alan Chapman” reportedly now claims he hasn’t been paid by “ProfitClicking” for “at least 3 months,” according to a post quoting “Chapman” on the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum. ProfitClicking is the absurd follow-up “program” to the bizarre JSS/JBP scam, a 730-percent-a-year “opportunity” purportedly operated by Frederick Mann. JSS/JBP may have […]

LETTER TO READERS: Our Choice For The Most Important PP Blog Post Of 2012

LETTER TO READERS: Our Choice For The Most Important PP Blog Post Of 2012

Dear Readers, The PP Blog’s choice for the “Most Important” story to appear on the Blog in 2012 is this one, dated July 28: “Site Critical Of Zeek Goes Missing After HubPages Receives Trademark ‘Infringement’ Complaint Attributed To Rex Venture Group LLC — But North Carolina-Based Rex Not Listed As Trademark Owner; Florida Firm That […]

Florida Man Who Hosts Zeek Calls Featuring Robert Craddock Was Winner In Botfly LLC Ponzi Scheme

Florida Man Who Hosts Zeek Calls Featuring Robert Craddock Was Winner In Botfly LLC Ponzi Scheme

UPDATED 3:57 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Gregory Baker, a Florida man who hosts calls featuring Robert Craddock in the aftermath of the SEC’s Ponzi-scheme case against Zeek Rewards, is listed as a winner in the Botfly LLC Ponzi scheme case, one of the Sunshine State’s ugliest fraud schemes. Prosecutors said that David Lewalski, Botfly’s now-imprisoned operator, […]

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Says ‘Large Sums . . . May Have Been Transferred By Net Winners To Other Entities In Order To Hide Or Shelter Those Assets’

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Says 'Large Sums . . . May Have Been Transferred By Net Winners To Other Entities In Order To Hide Or Shelter Those Assets'

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 2:34 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case has advised a federal judge that he “has obtained information indicating that large sums of Receivership Assets may have been transferred by net winners to other entities in order to hide or shelter those assets.” The dramatic assertion by […]