Payza, an HYIP-friendly payment processor that recently bragged on Twitter about its attendance at an event for the teetering TrafficMonsoon scheme, has advised a federal judge that it is not responsible for millions of dollars that allegedly went missing in the Zeek Rewards’ scheme taken down by the SEC in 2012. Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell […]
Certain International Zeek Members Due Distribution From Receiver Eligible To Receive Wire Transfer — But There Are Restrictions
In a May 6 announcement, Zeek Rewards’ receiver Kenneth D. Bell shares important news with international Zeek members who have been unable to cash checks from the U.S.-based receivership estate. “Many foreign Affiliates have reported that they are unable to deposit or cash their distribution checks due to local banking fees and regulations. We filed […]
RECEIVER: Payza And Payment World ‘Facilitated’ Zeek Ponzi Scheme; Whereabouts Of $13.1 Million An ‘Open Question’

Zeek Rewards’ receiver Kenneth D. Bell has gone to federal court in the Western District of North Carolina, alleging that the Payza and Payment World payment processors “facilitated” the epic cross-border Zeek Ponzi- and pyramid scheme. More than $13.1 million in funds from North Carolina-based Zeek that could be used to compensate victims ended up in […]
BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver May Push For Contempt Against Payza

BULLETIN: New court filings in the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid-scheme case brought by the SEC in 2012 say Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell may ask a federal judge for a finding of contempt against Payza, a payment processor. The news comes as federal prosecutors continue a criminal investigation involving Payza and Obopay, another payment processor. Prosecutors […]