JSS Tripler 2 (T2) Creates Another Bizarre Ponzi-Land Spectacle; Purported Operator Purportedly Takes Off For Thailand After Threatening Purported One-Time Business Partner In Wake Of Purported AlertPay Freeze

Online huckster “Ken Russo,” also known as “DRdave,” appears once again to have backed an HYIP fraud scheme and recruited a downline into a Ponzi morass. This one is known as JSS Tripler 2 — T2 for shorthand — and the backstory is just plain bizarre.

Several cross-border crimes punishable by jail time already may have occurred, and there are reports that T2 somehow was operating through an AlertPay account that was not owned by T2 or T2’s purported operator, another person known as “Dave.”

Like virtually all HYIP schemes, details are fuzzy and ambiguous. But “Dave” apparently was operating T2 through an AlertPay account owned by “Chris,” and the Canada-based payment processor — according to Ponzi board posts — has frozen the account.

“Dave,” meanwhile, asserted that the account contained $200,000 and that “Chris” will “be in police custody by the end of the day,” according to Ponzi-board posts.

Although the “police” assertion appears to have been made earlier this month, there appears to be no corresponding information about what police agency “Dave” called to have “Chris” taken into custody. Nor has “Dave” explained why police should consider “Chris” a criminal at the exclusion of “Dave,” whose T2 program claims to pay members a return of 2 percent a day plus referral commissions.

The purported daily payout rate is double that claimed by AdSurfDaily, which the U.S. Secret Service said more than three years ago was operating a massive international Ponzi scheme on the Internet. Like T2, ASD also offered referral commissions on top of absurd daily returns.

Such a “confluence” of payment schemes and an apparent lack of outside revenue are markers of a pure or virtually pure Ponzi scheme — even though criminals on the Ponzi forums turn a blind eye to the fundamental mathematical reality and the virtual certainly that members are being paid from the funds of other members.

It is unclear if anything about T2 is real.

What is clear is that ASD President Andy Bowdoin was indicted on charges of wire fraud, securities fraud and selling unregistered securities in December 2010. He faces up to 125 years in federal prison if convicted on all counts, a fact virtually ignored by T2 promoters. ASD also was promoted on Ponzi boards such as MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold.

At the same time T2’s “Dave” was claiming to have alerted police about “Chris,” “Dave” appears not to have explained what he intended to do if “Chris” called police on him.

Also apparently absent from the police claim is any sort of real-world explanation of how it apparently came to be that “Dave” had come to believe it somehow was appropriate for a program “admin” such as himself to run a scheme through a third-party’s AlertPay account, not an account in the name of T2.

“Dave” appears also to have asserted he had the power to exact “a lifetime ban from internet access” against “Chris” while further asserting that he somehow could authorize AlertPay to pay T2 members with money in the frozen account held by “Chris.”

Ponzi-forum posts from October assert T2’s server was located in Thailand, with “Dave” being “from the UK.” It appears now, however, that the server is in the United States. “I Got Paid” posts on the Ponzi boards suggest payments have come from a Gmail address that uses the name of “Chris” in its makeup, not an email address from the JSSTripler2 domain.

Such mechanics also were in place for JustBeenPaid and JSSTripler (see link below), “programs” that appear to have used multiple domains and addresses in multiple jurisdictions to funnel payouts to participants.

For his part, “Ken Russo” — who earlier introduced members to the Club Asteria disaster and any number of fraud schemes — is describing T2 members who are demanding real-world answers as individuals who should be “deleted.”

“The relatively few members who are demonstrating impatience along with their demand for a refund should be taken care of and deleted from the program and this forum,” “Ken Russo” ventured, according to RealScam.com, an antifraud site that concentrates on mass-marketing fraud. “Their continued presence here will only create more anxiety and frustration.”

T2 was almost impossibly bizarre from the moment it came out of the gate. The “program” apparently believed it prudent to adopt the name of an existing program in the fraud stable of JustBeenPaid: JSS Tripler. Ponzi-board supporters of the emerging T2 “program” asserted that, since JSS Tripler apparently had not trademarked its name, that using the name as the calling card of a new “program” was perfectly acceptable.

Why any legitimate entity would want to adopt the name of an obvious fraud scheme such as JSS Tripler was left to the imagination — as are so many things in the foundationally corrupt worlds of HYIPs.

In any event, “Dave” now claims that he’s traveling to Thailand to try to right the T2 ship because he was having trouble concentrating from his undisclosed earlier location, according to Ponzi forum posts. Some T2 cheerleaders appear to be urging T2 members not to file disputes with AlertPay, a common occurrence when HYIP Ponzi schemes begin to tank.

T2 apparently also has licensed itself to ban members and seize money (or the representations of money) in their accounts for speaking ill of the purported “program.”

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16 Responses to “JSS Tripler 2 (T2) Creates Another Bizarre Ponzi-Land Spectacle; Purported Operator Purportedly Takes Off For Thailand After Threatening Purported One-Time Business Partner In Wake Of Purported AlertPay Freeze”

  1. He has supposedly arrived back in Thailand as of earlier today. Also of note, many of the easily identifiable”players” are in this, Ken Russo/DrDave, Strosdegoz/Manolo,Faith Sloan, Vivian Williams to name just a few.

  2. laidback: He has supposedly arrived back in Thailand as of earlier today.

    Hello laidback,

    If “Dave” actually did file a police report and receive assurance from the police that “Chris” would be arrested before “Dave” departed for Thailand, then I wonder if “Dave” has made provisions to return from Thailand when the police subpoena him to testify at the trial of “Chris.”

    And I wonder if “Dave” has told the police where he can be reached in Thailand (or elsewhere) to accept service of the subpoena and confer with prosecutors.

    And if it’s true that “Dave” is banning members and seizing their funds if they challenge him, then I’m wondering if members will be motivated not only to seek refunds from AlertPay, but also will be motivated to file police reports on “Dave” and shills.

    “Dave” had better hope he has no members from, say, Michigan or Colorado. Both states have been known to use the racketeering statute. Other states could do the same thing.

    And, of course, the Feds might not be amused if “Dave” was using the wires to commit fraud and then lulling members by telling them “Chris” was responsible and later establishing a pretext by which “Dave” could keep the money of folks who challenged him.


  3. What has made all of this more fun to watch than “Days of Our Lives” has been what transpired prior to “Dave” launching this program. He was a member of JBP and was highly critical of their restart, how long it was taking, it should have been done in 1/3 of the time, they were blowing smoke as to why the delays, and finally he made enough stink they refunded his money and he got booted from the program. He also crowed how “his” program would not have any of these issues, as he knew how to run a program. In short, he was the smartest bear in the woods mantra.

    Then when his program hit all kinds of issues, he then started crying he did not have a life of his own, it was harder to run the program than he thought, how he was in tears at the lack of respect from the people he was just trying to help, yada, yada, yada. The same old tired excuses used by every Ponzi operator and pimp.

    I saw JBP as ASD, and T2 as AVGA. Dave thought they would all flock to his venture and it backfired. He also thought he had longer to build up some resembalance of outside revenue, but that too has fallen way short.

    What also that has hurt Dave is that he said he was keeping a disgruntled member and not giving them back their money; unlike what JBP did for him. Dave just goes from one PR nightmare to another, and they are all of his own doing. So much for being the smartest and brightest bear in the woods.

    JBP has now undergone its second restart in less than 4 months. These fools are praising them for keeping 75% of the positions prior to the restart as they believe this will make their Ponzi sustainable indefinitely. But the good news is this time they say the next one won’t begin for at least a year. Gives them plenty of time to do a Houdini.

    When the people in both of these finally wake up, it will be too late and then all the howling, crying and gnashing of teeth will begin, just like every other Ponzi that collapses. They just don’t know they are in the final stages of their Ponzi. But Ken, Faith, Stros and all the other major pimps have already exited the program with any serious cash and now are only collecting referral commissions. In short, they got theirs and could care less what happens to the rest of the people they conned into both these Ponzi’s.

    So much for how much and how smart Dave is and his great program. At least he did not claim he was this astute and highly successful businessman, honest as the day is long, and a man of God. Wait, he did make all those claims except for being a man of God. Makes you wonder if Andy and Dave are related doesn’t it.

  4. admin:
    Hello laidback,If “Dave” actually did file a police report and receive assurance from the police that “Chris” would be arrested before “Dave” departed for Thailand, then I wonder if “Dave” has made provisions to return from Thailand when the police subpoena him to testify at the trial of “Chris.”And I wonder if “Dave” has told the police where he can be reached in Thailand (or elsewhere) to accept service of the subpoena and confer with prosecutors.And if it’s true that “Dave” is banning members and seizing their funds if they challenge him, then I’m wondering if members will be motivated not only to seek refunds from AlertPay, but also will be motivated to file police reports on “Dave” and shills.“Dave” had better hope he has no members from, say, Michigan or Colorado. Both states have been known to use the racketeering statute. Other states could do the same thing.And, of course, the Feds might not be amused if “Dave” was using the wires to commit fraud and then lulling members by telling them “Chris” was responsible and later establishing a pretext by which “Dave” could keep the money of folks who challenged him.Patrick

    It has actually been well documented on MMG about Dave deleting “ingrid1234″‘s account and saying he would not refund her supposed $600 investment. Also all her posts and member references have been removed from the T2 forum, or the “Money Network Forum as they now call it.

  5. Quick note:

    Reader Tony pointed out in November that “Ken Russo” also was hawking Text Cash Network (TCN).


    In addition to obvious ties to Phil Piccolo, the reputed “one-man Internet crime wave,” TCN was promoted on the Ponzi boards. And even though photos online show the words “TEXT CASH NETWORK” in large type adorning TCN’s purported headquarters building in Boca Raton, the Boca Raton Police Department says the words do not appear on the building.


    We now have received reports that TCN is trying to get members to send it money via Western Union — and that the wires should be made out in the name of a woman, not the name of TCN.

    Of course, there also is a continuing flap about who actually owns TCN.

    So, it appears that “Ken Russo” and other see-no-evil, willfully blind promoters on the Ponzi cesspits also drove business to TCN — in addition to the Club Asteria and JSS Tripler 2 “programs” and any number of others.


  6. i don’t buy the t2 story. most likely the man they call “chris” (the ex-partner) or “mark” (the coder) or whatever new name he will bring along are just mere creations of the man who calls himself “dave”. he is the only talking about them… of how this and how that came to be. not a trace of them having a verifiable separate existence. in mmg, i read that dave’s first excuse why t2 could no longer pay was that alertpay limited their ability to issue withdrawals because they were doing extra security checks on them. why? did “they” do something suspicious that caused alertpay to check “them” out after all the deposits and withdrawals made into “their” account? or is it just a case where a shrink saw signs of multiple-personality disorder on a patient? lol your guess is as good as mine… but if you go over alertpay’s policy you can see what kind of situations will caused them to limit a member’s account.

    but hey that is not all this t2 drama is all about. if you check the forums, the reason initially given why t2 could no longer pay evolved into something else. the 2 leading t2 “personalities” (dave and chris) were supposed to be having some falling out. and were now entangled into some alertpay process of transferring ownership of the chrisdar65 AP account. “chris” was supposed to be uncooperative and was bent on bringing t2 down. and there goes “dave” braving the storm…sorting things out… mentioning lawyers, legal actions, and the police. his program showed signs of having a bad coding, so members started asking questions. and guess what? there goes the almighty “dave” going bananas and started crying woe is me, woe is me…do this and do that… i am done… the ra-ra crowd interjected and suddenly the mood changes… lol and the best script writer award goes to… lol

    seriously, i can’t believe some people bought his crap excuses and lame story hook and sinker. maybe im wrong. maybe some members were just playing safe, playing their cards for as long as they could. they know after all that the moment they show signs of losing faith, the almighty cry-baby “dave” can easily delete them from his program like what he did to poor “ingrid”.

    dave’s “masterpiece” has more holes than bullet riddled buildings in iraq. it will not take a genius to realize that he is just another ponzi-maker who took advantage of people’s weaknesses. if you check the mmg forum, you would see how dave left jbp and boasting about what he can do. he created t2 and money started coming in… and boom… he finally managed to go back to his native england with a thai gf tagging along he said… that’s after a long stay in thailand… hey hundreds of thousands of dollars came pouring into chrisdar65 account right? again, your guess is as good as mine… lol

  7. I guess my question is how long will the original JSS Ponzi last?

    I see that they have now begun what appears to be twice daily live presentations – a sign of falling revenue and an effort to pump up the cash flow?

    The longer that JSS survives, the more people will get sucked into it. That’s why the Secret Service shutdown of ASD was so important as it stopped people from mortgaging their houses, dipping into retirement funds, etc.

    Hopefully math will quickly bring this ponzi to it’s knees.


  8. Well, “Dave” has moved on to the next phase and now has set up the T2 thread as private. Paid members only can read and comment. Wonder what he doesn’t want public, the lies or the truth? If lies, why are they allowed on the thread and if the truth, why should he care?

  9. laidback: Well, “Dave” has moved on to the next phase and now has set up the T2 thread as private.

    I’m working on a story about this. Should be up soon.


  10. i’m on the edge of my seat waiting on the story-
    i have *got* to know how many times you can
    use purported or a derivative in a sentence.

  11. Pat: i’m on the edge of my seat waiting on the story-
    i have *got* to know how many times you can
    use purported or a derivative in a sentence.

    It’s here. I didn’t do an official count on “purported.”



  12. […] payment processors notoriously friendly to Ponzi and fraud schemes. The “program” is trading on the name of a different Ponzi scheme even as it preemptively denies that T2 itself is a Ponzi scheme and advertises a return of 2 […]

  13. Ken Russo drops another get rich quick scheme:
    From an email he sent out:-

    I have decided to remove myself from the Accelerated Riches admin
    team. This is because I do not agree with decisions that have been made
    by Sheila Osborne. We are not in agreement with regard to the following
    important issues…..

    1. Number of levels in the activity
    2. Number of accounts allowed per household
    3. Launch date and time

    He was a “co-founder” in this obvious dodgy enterprise.

  14. Hi Tony,

    As you pointed out previously, “Ken Russo” also was in JustBeenPaid, the “program” that operates JSS Tripler — whose name later was appropriated by JSS Tripler 2 (T2), which “Ken Russo” also promoted.

    It truly is mind-boggling:



  15. admin: It truly is mind-boggling:

    You’re forgetting that short term memory loss and wilful blindness are two essential requirements for those wanting to play HYIP ponzi games.

  16. […] bizarre international spectacle created by JSS Tripler 2 (T2) is continuing — and gets stranger and more insidious by the day.  The purported […]