Purported Joe Shoop ASD Letter Was On Website Registered To Litigant Who Sued Chase Bank By Posting Bond Of ‘Twenty-One Dollars In Silver Coinage’

UPDATE 8:14 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) With each passing day the AdSurfDaily case reveals new and strange details about a subculture that appears to have firm roots in the organization. It is a subculture of rants against the government for perceived injustices, underground business “associations” that purport to permit nonlawyers and nondoctors to practice law and medicine, and legal filings that seek to undermine banks’ abilities to collect on debts.

Today a post appeared on the Pro-ASD Surf’s Up forum purporting to take viewers to a page from which they could download a Microsoft Word template  of a letter to send the government to protest its actions in the ASD case. The author of the letter was identified as ASD promoter Joe Shoop, and the website — credittechs.net — was registered to Ricky Jackson.

In 2004, Ricky Jackson and Regina Jackson sued Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp. in federal court for the Eastern District of Missouri to overturn a mortgage foreclosure. The documents in the case purported to show that Ricky Jackson had posted a bond consisting of “twenty-one dollars in silver coinage” in a bizarre bid to undermine the bank’s interest in the property.

The Jacksons, according to filings, ordered the bank to respond to the document within three days or lose all of its rights in the case, which appears to have started in Missouri state court and morphed into multiple federal cases.

U.S. District Judge Catherine D. Perry ultimately dismissed the Jackson complaint against the bank with prejudice, saying the pleadings were nonsense.

“This document is even more incomprehensible than the initial complaint, ” Perry said of the 21 Silver Coins filing.

For days now, the Surf’s Up forum has been suggesting the ASD case soon will take a legal turn for the better — from ASD’s point of view. One Surf’s Up Mod pleaded with a member to “just hold on — a little bit longer now baby.”

But pleadings filed in the case recently by ASD members have used the template of Curtis Richmond, a California man associated with a Utah “Indian” tribe a judge ruled a sham.

Four motions to intervene have been filed in recent weeks in the ASD case. All four used the Richmond template. They accused Judge Rosemary Collyer, U.S. Attorney Jeffrey A. Taylor and Assistant U.S. Attorney William Cowden of crimes.

Richmond, a nonlawyer, has been a thorn in the side of banks from coast to coast. His name appears in lawsuits in which borrowers claimed not to owe lenders money because they had “assigned” their debts to him. Meanwhile, Richmond has tried to have litigation opponents in debt cases arrested.

On Feb. 26, an autosurf known as AdViewGlobal, which has close ties to ASD, announced it was forming a “private association.” The company to which it turned for advice is Pro Advocate Group, which says it can set up individuals to practice law without a license.

Karl Dahlstrom, who is associated with Pro Advocate Group, was sentenced in 1997 to 78 months in federal prison for his role in a securities scheme.

The credittechs.net website registered to Jackson features a media player with the ASD logo, and also appears to host a credit-repair organization set up as a private association.

“At Credit Techs we are not credit counseling or credit negotiators, we are credit debt ELIMINATORS,” the site says. “We can help stop the credit companies from stealing your hard earned money. Our specialty is credit cards and unsecured debt. We are an organization of members who help one another out with such financial matters.”

Credit Techs also says this:

“Members of groups who are competent nonlawyers can assist other members of the group achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with ‘unauthorized practice of law,'” the site says.

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6 Responses to “Purported Joe Shoop ASD Letter Was On Website Registered To Litigant Who Sued Chase Bank By Posting Bond Of ‘Twenty-One Dollars In Silver Coinage’”

  1. Patrick,

    Don’t you think the AVG crowd might be willing to do almost anything at this point, to bring in money? According to their Forum they’re already pulling the old “servers are down” gag on their members, which was the beginning of the end for ASD. No two companies in the world have had as many computer problems as ASD and AVG, and that includes Microsoft and Dell. I wonder if AVG is storing data on the ASD computers that will be forfeited to the government when the December l9th lawsuit is finalized.

  2. Hi Marci,

    Yes, I do believe the AVG crowd would do almost anything to bring in money. The tide is against them. Basically, they were less transparent than even ASD, and grossly overestimated Andy Bowdoin’s remaining star power.

    Reportedly there are 30 “founders.” Most of them probably had visions of Bowdoin-sized revenue in their heads, but it looks like the surf crowd was willing to give ASD and the clone only one bite of the apple.

    AVG, BizAdSplash and AdGateWorld all have had recent/current bonus programs of some sort as enticements for people to spend more. And AVG’s server has been slow or offline, which has made some AVG members nervous. The move to become a private association looked like paranoid desperation.

    What AVG discovered, quickly, was that people weren’t as forgiving of Bowdoin as the Surf’s Up forum would make it appear.

    One thing gnawing on people is Bowdoin’s silence. His last formal communication was to try to sell VOIP service to the members, and he didn’t tell them about the second forfeiture complaint or his decision to surrender on the first one.

    They had to read about it in the paper or on Blogs, and that has hurt AVG.

    Who knows what data is on the computers the government is seizing? One thing for certain: If there’s anything incriminating, someone will claim the government planted it.



  3. Patrick,

    MAny of the surf’s are getting desparate. You even have a post from a member of BizAdSplash promoting his program here. Below I have copied my response. Let’s hope he takes me up on his offer, but he won’t….


    Are you willing to submit BizAdSplash to the Black Box test, and live with the outcome? (and by live with the outcome I mean I will join BAS as your downline if it passes the Black Box test, but you’ll turn over your gains to the AG if it fails the test — which means it is an illegal scam). I’d be happy to do the analysis……

    Ken: Hey PatI Just got through reading your article, which delineated Biz Ad Splash as a scam company. It’s too bad your not balanced enough to bring out the distinct differences between BAS and the others. Unlike the other companies you mentioned, BAS has structure and mandatory requirements each rep has to meet before qualifying for income. Not to mention, if there are no daily sales, there are no earnings. What’s worse, you already know this. Given your position, you have influence and a great opportunity to make the world a better place, especially in the area of finance; given the crisis we’re all experiencing. Unfortunately, due to your selfish motive you have done just the opposite. I hope this email causes you to look in the mirror and recognize your error. It would be much appreciated if in future articles you would supply sound, credible information to validate such a bias position. This could very well help thousands of families like mine make an honest living during these tough times. We started with Biz Ad Splash about 40 days ago and now are earning about $1000,00 a day!!! Check it out, you and those you advertise to could do the same.[Promotional URL Deleted By Admin]Thanks!Ken

  4. As of now, Entertained, it doesn’t look as though he is taking you up on your offer.


  5. […] is known that some members of ASD also were in the credit-repair business. One ASD supporter claimed in court filings that he could undermine a bank’s interest in a foreclosure case by filing “twenty-one […]

  6. […] March 3, 2009, PP Blog story on a bizarre “twenty-one dollars in silver coinage” claim that appeared in the context of […]