Special Note About Our ASDMBA Coverage
Dear Readers,
This Blog engages in the marketplace of ideas, not the marketplace of threats.
We again have received a correspondence via our email Support form from Bob Guenther that we deem threatening in nature. This is the third one in recent days. We have not responded via email or telephone to any of them. We believe that doing so is ill-advised.
Bob Guenther is free to use the Comments function of this Blog. He has done so before, and is welcome to do so again. Just this morning Guenther submitted a Comment. It is published in this thread:
Near the bottom of this Blog post is a second alternative for Guenther.
Today’s email correspondence from Guenther through our Support form was benign enough at the beginning; in fact, it’s fair to say that it was in part congratulatory.
But it ended with a threat.
“Failure to do so, in a professional matter will leave me no option than to do what I must to get the truth out,” he wrote.
This Blog is denying no truth to Bob Guenther. We would be happy to accept a six-page document he desires us either to publish or to use for research material for a future story. All he has to do is convert it to PDF (or another electronic form) and provide a link to it through the Comments function. Guenther even can post the content of the entire document in a Comment or series of Comments, instead of linking to a PDF or another type of electronic file.
At the same time, we would be pleased to consider any information he wishes to share with us.
But we are not going to publish any document from Guenther or prepare any story based on information he provides under threat. Nor or we going to engage him via email or telephone under threat.
These are extraordinary circumstances, given the allegations of aggravated harassment against Guenther in Arizona and the litany of threats associated with his name. His remedy under these circumstances is to use the Comments function, not to threaten this Blog.
Alternatively, Guenther may submit through the Support form a column that we will consider for publication under his byline, so long as it is not submitted under threat.
It is our hope that Guenther will take advantage of a choice or choices — and do so without threat.
Finally, we’d like to state plainly to readers that making such a statement on our Blog with respect to Bob Guenther and our coverage of ASDMBA is not something we do lightly. We do not seek to engage Guenther in conflict or to become part of the ASDMBA story.
At the same time, we are not going to engage him under threat. We invite and encourage Bob Guenther to engage in the marketplace of ideas.
Little Bobbie is getting upset with all the attention he’s getting:
If I were a member of ASDMBA a question I would be asking is where Bobbie is getting the money from to file all these legal charges? How is he going to pay all the lawyers involved?
The same way he has gotten all of his other money..by hook or crook. Bob Guenther can not take what he dishes out as noted by his continued threats against anyone that disagrees with him.
Just document them and forward them to the prosecutor in Arizona. Usually, when people find themselves in a hole, they tend to stop digging, the don’t go out and rent a steam shovel as seems to be the case in this instance.
Right, but Bob is not “most people”, as we all know. He is trying to silence Ning forums as he claims he did to Scam, now he is after Patrick. He is not omnipotent, maybe omni-threatening, and losing his ability to think clearly..
Perhaps the Cadle company would like to know what Bobbie has been up too since they own a Judgment against him for $1,350,086.58 plus Attorney fees,interest,court costs and have been trying to get him to pay them since 2004. Bob sued them and tried to stop the collection process and lost. The Documents supporting this information has been posted on the ASD-Biz site.
Sorry Bob but it is all PUBLIC information.
My postings are protected by the Constitution of these here US of A.
In keeping with Patrick’s “steroidal puppet masters” I submit that Bob is the steroidal tar baby.
Where the eponymous tar baby was completely inert, Br’er Rabbit needed to invent his own offense to generate the conflict, Bob goes us one better, he supplies his own conflict. But the end result is the same, if you attack him you become attached to him, and for some reason he seems to enjoy it.
Bob refuses to answer reasonable questions. Where did the ASDMBA money go? He will not provide detailed accounting, he uses the trust instrument the same way Andy used the ASD TOS, to cover his own backside. He never explains himself, he either ignores the questions or attacks the questioner, or both. Which begs the question, what is he expending so much energy to hide?
Patrick has done much to earn our respect but perhaps this topic speaks the best for him. Bob, back up what you say and you will absolutely get a fair shake here. Patrick’s professionalism is a two edged sword, he will not libel you but he will print the truth as he finds it. Your threats will not work on him, he knows the law and he knows what he has posted. The best you can threaten him with is a bogus nuisance lawsuit and there are many people (myself included) who would be glad to pony up the defense fund, if for no other reason than seeing you lose yet another in a long line of court cases.
I’ll drink to that
GlimDropper could not have said it better. Patrick’s professionalism gets to the truth with facts and great investigative journalism. And as the great oddsmaker Jimmy the Greek used to say…..”your only as good as your Information”……I say the information being obtained, following the money trail and ah ha….both the money trail and motive….will make the odds very slim that Friedman and Guenther will not pull off THIS heist without grave consequences. That is why Friedman is very quietly sending back ‘contributions’ when requested. Bob on the other hand could care less….but then he has nothing to lose….only Larry does.
Here come da Judge……soon.
we all have skeletons in the closets..
Forgive yourself..
TELL US WHAT YOU SPENT IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU are your worst enemy if you don,t.
Your Friend…
Star Sher
It is just amazing to me that Bob G. thinks he can control the Internet as to what can and cannot be posted that pertains to him. His going after every blog, forum, website, etc., that he doesn’t like is demonstrating someone definitely has a problem dealing with reality.
As dirty_bird has said, “Usually, when people find themselves in a hole, they tend to stop digging, the don’t go out and rent a steam shovel.” From what I have seen he has rented “Big MO.” Maybe he thinks 3 squares and a cot will bring back the glory days of having been in the Marines.
When you made me the center of attention and put out all the dirty laundry that you could find or thought that you had found concerning me everything was ok in your book. You made threats against those in my family who had no right to be even in the discussion. You have as you said PLAYED THE GAME by your rules and you lost.
What makes the releasing of Public Records concerning you any different. You can make up all the excuses you want as to what, where and how and yet the truth is now out there for all to see you as you are.
If you do the crime then you must do the time and I make no excuses for my poor judgment in the past. Face the facts as they are and quit making up all these so called excuses that the Government was out to get you. You are what you are and now we all finally know what that is…a convicted felon just like me.
Now you are facing even more charges because you let your mouth overload your butt. Accept it that your judgment is flawed and your bulling tactics are no longer working.
Have a great day as I will!
Jack Arons
Unlike every other responder in this forum, including the Author,
PatrickPretty, I use my real name, give my real address, phone number, cell number, business number, and not a ONE of you weak sisters has the nuts to make a call or do a face to face..
The author, PatrickPretty wants me to post my 6 page document and send it in a PDF format, and what?? Depending on what it says, depending on how it twist your “investigative” reports you MIGHT publish it.. How about what I asked for, your name, address, phone number?? How about a simple call with you, a introduction of sorts, what’s wrong with that?? Ill tell you, thgen you actually have to come into the real world. The world where real businessmen and women work everyday. Where a face to face is required. Where you come eyeball to eyeball with your friend and adversary alike..
You internet people make me sick.. Get you out from behind your little “BIG MAN” internet world and 99% of you mess your pants when hit with anything real..
Jack Arons and I have our disagreements, business and political, BUT at least he has the nuts to disclose his real name..
Before I send a confidentail document to anyone I want to know their name..
Unlike every other responder in this forum, including the Author,PatrickPretty, I use my real name, give my real address, phone number, cell number, business number, and not a ONE of you weak sisters has the nuts to make a call or do a face to face.. The author, PatrickPretty wants me to post my 6 page document and send it in a PDF format, and what?? Depending on what it says, depending on how it twist your “investigative†reports you MIGHT publish it.. How about what I asked for, your name, address, phone number?? How about a simple call with you, a introduction of sorts, what’s wrong with that?? Ill tell you, thgen you actually have to come into the real world. The world where real businessmen and women work everyday. Where a face to face is required. Where you come eyeball to eyeball with your friend and adversary alike.. You internet people make me sick.. Get you out from behind your little “BIG MAN†internet world and 99% of you mess your pants when hit with anything real..
Jack Arons and I have our disagreements, business and political, BUT at least he has the nuts to disclose his real name..
Before I send a confidentail document to anyone I want to know their name. That doesn’t seem too much to ask..
In lieu of that I will post it on my web site, http://www.asdmba.com unlike these sites, I don’t sell advertising, I don’t make a dime from the “HITS”..
Err, so Blowhard Bob posts his “real name” and address on the ‘net.
And this means what, in the context of his alleged crimes and bully boy behaviour ??
Charis Johnson had her “real” name, address and even picture on the web.
Bowdoin has his name and address and picture freely available.
Both Bryan Marsden and his wife ditto, as did Bernie Madoff, for that matter.
Now we have that sorted, how about we return to the subject at hand….the fraudulent practices of the ASDMBA and the hijacking of its’ funds by Messrs. Friedman and Guenther.
Yes, let’s get back ‘on topic’….this discussion is about:
.the fraudulent practices of the ASDMBA and the hijacking of its’ funds by Messrs. Friedman and Guenther.
He shouldn’t be astounded that people are searching, finding, and reading what’s on the internet, are asking questions, and are making comments.
I hope he has a good supply of Pepto Bismol as he’s one of the participants of the group about which he says, “You internet people make me sick;” he does spent a fair amount of time on different websites, normally employing the same tone as here. Interesting he’ll post his document on the ASDMA website as he can ‘safely’ post it on that website knowing no one can directly respond to it there; responses will appear on other sites where he, no doubt, will continue his verbage.
Keep that pink bottle of liquid handy, Robert!
Hey Rookie…..
Of course you do not have to have any advertising on your asdmba.com website, you make all your revenue scamming people for ‘legal fees’ on this particular site. That is far ‘bigger bucks’ that poor ole Patrick will make from the pennies he gets on click thrus…..but at least it is an ‘honest living’
Hey, I have a great idea, the asdmba website has not had any new content in some time now, why not publish this 6 page manafesto on your own site….that way you are assured it will NOT be edited!! There is the solution!
These ponzi schemes are criminal activity and I regard those involved with them as criminals. Even those who call themselves “victims” have been known to be aggressive, use threatening behaviour, refer to past military experience, make veiled threats to small children etc. Yes, you might find that hard to believe, but it does happen. Also, myself and many others here have not asked for any money and promised a return of some sort.
I’m sorry to hear about your dicky tummy. Is Little Bobbie fealing poorly? There’s some bowel cleansing solutions here:
Perhaps when you’ve given your bowels a good cleans, you might feel well enough to provide the accounts of the “Trust” that the members have been asking for.
Just as I thought, just as I said, not a single call..
This,is posted right on the PartrickPretty.com website
PatrickPretty.com covers news of interest to online merchants and Internet marketers. The Internet has opened the door to entrepreneurs to communicate with a worldwide audience. One of the most exciting things is that the normal, brick-and-mortar constraints of “location, location, location†can be mitigated. But the dawn of the Internet Age also has been accompanied by lots of noise, as merchants and marketers worldwide compete for attention. Technology also has created a new crop of scam artists and electronic hucksters who’ve found a much larger carnival audience.
We hail from the print-publishing world, which has been battered by the emergence of the Internet. Our goal is to establish a brand identity that people recognize and embrace — and to do so without shouting and filling our website (and our readers’ vision fields) with hype.
We encourage readers to become entrepreneurs, to build their own publishing systems and create their own information products that serve customers’ needs.
Now that is right off the web site.. Who owns and operates the site, is it a FOR PROFIT site??
Let me fill in the blanks since you did not:
ADDRESS: 123 Main St. Anytown, USA
Whew, glad that is out in the open.
Mr. Guenther,
Seeing as apparently, judging by the reports here and elsewhere, you did not spend the monies donated to you for their intended purpose of legal aid, have you reported them properly to the IRS as income or failed there as well?
Perhaps a few American readers of this board might care to file IRS Form 3949-A regarding your finances, and let you and your family suffer a disastrous audit?
How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?
If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, you may report this activity by completing Form 3949-A. You may fill out Form 3949-A online, print it and mail it to:
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA 93888
[…] we explained in a March 22 post, this Blog engages in the marketplace of ideas, not the marketplace of threats. We encouraged Bob […]