Injunction Against Arons Dropped In Friedman Lawsuit
UPDATED 2:13 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A temporary restraining order against Florida resident Jack Arons by Dallas attorney Larry Friedman has been dropped.
Arons and Friedman are in mediation to try to settle a dispute that resulted in Friedman accusing Arons of slander and libel March 5. The mediation is occurring via telephone and will resume next week.
The lawsuit stemmed from the affairs of the ASD Members Business Association (ASDMBA) Trust.
Bob Guenther is the de facto head of the Trust. ASDMBA members said Guenther has not provided transparent accounting for the Trust and engaged in threatening behavior when his management was questioned.
Guenther is facing two felony charges of aggravated harassment in Arizona. A court date is set next month. Police alleged that he repeatedly violated a court order prohibiting him from threatening an Arizona company.
Friedman is an attorney for the Trust. ASDMBA members funded the Trust with contributions, expecting that their legal interests would be covered in the AdSurfDaily case. Some members said they filed complaints with the Texas Bar and the office of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Guenther said the Trust had an insurance policy and, if members had valid complaints, they should contact him to make a claim against the policy.
“If anyone has any VALID complaint about the administration of the ASDMBA, the disbursement or use of the funds, or any other questions not answered, then they should get a lawyer, file suit, and Ill turn it over to our insurance company,” Guenther said on March 26, in a Comment to this Blog.
Guenther did not say what process was in place to determine if a complaint was valid. He added that the Trust had a second trustee, Kenneth Devolpi.
“Hopefully Mr Friedman will continue to represent the ASDMBA, without compensation, as he has done for the last 90 days or so, and the other Trustee, Kenneth deVolpi, will not resign,” Guenther said in a Comment.
Devolpi lists members of Guenther’s family, including Guenther’s wife, as Facebook friends. Guenther’s daughter lists Devolpi as a friend, as does Guenther himself.
ASDMBA members have raised concerns in recent days that Guenther now seems to be backing away from claims that ASDMBA is a Trust.
“This association was not formed as a formal Texas ‘TRUST,’ Guenther said in a Comment to this Blog. “No representation to that effect have ever been made. It is a simple association, formed with a set of self imposed administration guidelines.”
The organization, however, was referred to as a Trust in recorded conference calls and online chat forums. The dispute now seems to center on the meaning of the word “Trust.”
Guenther also said in a Comment that about $1.5 million was returned to members of Golden Panda Ad Builder, acknowledging that the money did not become part of a federal pool to compensate victims of what prosecutors described as a $100 million Ponzi scheme involving ASD and Golden Panda.
This may lead to questions about whether some victims received preferential treatment and whether federal prosecutors will seek to have the money returned to the pool.
Money was returned to police retirees and active-duty officers in Texas and California, and to a “high profile Dallas Cowboy” executive, Guenther said. He acknowledged that he had a hand in the return of the money.
A five-figure sum was returned to Joe Shoop, an ASD promoter, Guenther said.
Guenther did not say under whose authority the money was returned. He ventured, however, that “The Feds who raided the ASD headquarters,upon finding over $35 Million in uncashed cashiers check, should have ordered the return of the uncashed checks to the rightful owners.”
The money returned to Golden Panda members was not seized in a raid by the U.S. Secret Service of ASD’s headquarters in Quincy, Fla., last year. The returned money, rather, had been sent to Golden Panda in Georgia.
I have to hand it to Bob. He’s fighting so many battles on so many fronts that once he gets his legal team together, it will likely create a economic boom in both Texas and Arizona.
I’m shocked Obama could have overlooked such a talent. Bob could easily fill ALL the Cabinet posts and “czar” positions, make Madoff investors whole and tie ASD up in a nice little package, pink ribbon included.
The only problem I can foresee is that that NYC will have to widen Broadway so his head will fit between the buildings when they give him a well deserved ticker tape parade.
According to a phone conversation that I had with Bobbie he also claimed that he retrieved over 500,000.00 from Panda for members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Georgia and that some of the money belonged to the widow of Martian Luther King and the Black Panther Party. Of course who can believe anything that Boobie Bob says.
At the rate that Boobie Bob continues to spill forth all this information about all the shady deals he has been in many of us will have lots to do in the next few weeks.
Keep it coming!
And again a BIG THANKS to patrick for keeping the heat up.
This is a great first step. Now Larry needs to drop the lawsuit. This has caused him far more damage than anything Jack has said, and he hasn’t said that much about Friedman and his law firm warranting this lawsuit.
Hopefully the mediation negotiations will result in an acceptable conclusion by all parties and the lawsuit can be dropped. Amazing what happens when two “rational” people talk things over.
Not only do we believe the Feds should not have deposited the cashiers checks seized in the ASD bust,I have undisputed evidence that some cashiers checks seized by the Feds and mistakenly dropped and left behind a cabinet in the ASD headquarters, were returned to the ASD members by ASD employees at the direction of the FEDS.
Another question, who endorsed those cashiers checks??? And strangely enough, they were deposited in at least two different accounts, accounts that were not listewd on the seizue report. If you knew what we know, people who have lived this ASD crap everyday for 7 months, you wouldnt write half this stuff you write..
I have copies of over 5000 individual checks/cashiers checks/money orders from ASD and Panda members submitting what the ASDMBA asked them to submit for a proff of claim, I would be willing to wager thats 3 times what Cowden has…
Plus all this BS about bringing BoA in, do some legal research, BoA most probabky would not be liable for a DIME until the seized proceeds threshold has been surpassed..
You colume could REALLY REALLY be a voice of reason, with no bias, just facts.. Everyhting I give you will be backed up with fact. As I say, if you said you did it, show me the picture.. Why dont you ask for the “picture” before you print some of this stuff..If you need anything from me, just email me and ask or call.y contact information is as follows:
RLG Enterprises, Inc.
UautoBuy Network, LLC.
Jaffa Partners Management Co, LLC
Arizona Office 480.545.2200
Fax 480.545.2022
Dallas Office 972.471.4408
Mobile 214.587.3977
Where do you get this CRAP.. You are a lying piece of crap..You must be talking to someone who has tidbits of information but like you know nothing.. Wrong Church, right state.
Black Panther Party??? What drugs are you on, and I NEVER talked to you about any of this, the only 2 times I talked to you, once when I thought you actually could do some research and help us, remember I asked you how much you would charge, and you said NOTHING. Then two weeks later, you had a change of heart, contacted Kath Dance, who conferenced me in and you told me you needed to be paid.. Of course by them I had found out you were a fraud full of BS and passed..
There is a church involved, a big prominent Afro-American church. Over 400 members contributed $1.4Million, not a dime that I know of has been retrieved YET, not YET..
For goodness’ sakes,
where does this person get his legal knowledge ???
Some of the stuff he’s posting now exceeds all of the ASD and AVG misinformation combined.
Good Lord,
Even someone whose legal experience extends no further than watching repeats of “Law and Order” or “L.A. Law” would know better than to spout some of the outright nonsense with which Blowhard Bob is flooding the ‘net.
Does anyone “REALLY” believe the relevant Law Enforcement agencies got it wrong, but some loudmouthed failed car salesman is suddenly the arbiter of all ponzi related legal matters ????
Why the double posts, Bob?
This isn’t the first time that I’ve noticed you posting, then promotely reposting a quoted version in reply to your own post.
Something amiss with your computer, perhaps?
Prof Higgins:
Bobbie just likes to see his name in print as it makes him feel like he is famous. As you can well see each time that he opens his mouth he continues to put his foot in. I am surprised that he has not choked himself to death.
Not so fast Lynn….THIS IS NOT WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN RIGHT NOW. The filing of a lawsuit against someone is an accusation in the ‘Public Record’ of some type of wrong doing. Yes, there was wrongdoing but Jack Arons was NOT the party doing anything wrong. It was Larry Friedman and his Partner Bob Guenther who were responsible for the wrongdoing here, and the two people with the $130,000 in their pockets, and the evidence is now that money was solicited and kept under false pretenses or deception. The return of the the ASDMBA members money to them is what this is NOW all about…not the Friedman’s dismissal of a lawsuit that is impossible for him to win, and impossible collect on, even if he did win.
This is a lawsuit without merit that was intended to make a statement and frighten the 1500 ASDMBA contributors and victims from pursuing doing anything about getting their money back, including talking about it on the Internet. Allegations made in the lawsuit simply cannot be proven by Friedman and the longer it goes, the more bad publicity he and his firm receives, the more it costs Friedman in time and money.
Jack and all the ASDMBA victims benefit indirectly as this stays active and drags on in the Courts. Because Jack has no resources to travel to TX, no resources to do anything but a pro se defense, he cannot be compelled by the TX Judge to do anything or to spend money he does not have, it is really a lawsuit he has ALREADY won.
Jack is not collectible EVEN IF a judgment was ever rendered and it puts into a Court Record a ton of evidence and information Jack has that would be available to review when the Texas Bar Association gets around to doing peer review of the many many complaints filed against Friedman.
Friedman no doubt realizes the ‘lose/lose’ position he is in now but instead of just dismissing the lawsuit he will no doubt attempt to make Jack do something or agree to something before he ‘dismisses’ it. Jack should not even apologize as he did nothing wrong nor does Jack have the “power’ to influence anyone making comments on the Internet or anyone taking other action on the part of the ASDMBA victims…..including their filing more complaints with the Texas Bar or putting together a Class Action Lawsuit. If Friedman ‘digs in’ and decides he will not refund everyone, then it will have to be a Class Action Lawsuit, with perhaps ‘treble’ and punitive damages that will be the vehicle making everyone whole, and putting into the LEGAL record the full truth about all that happened with the ASDMBA.
Stand ‘Pat’ Jack…’ve got the Trump Cards….the accumulation of all of the digital documentation of recordings, web postings and blogs, the web pagers and everything else, from the inception of the ASDMBA scam to present….the documentation speaks for itself and your organization and cataloging of all this information is exceptionally well done. It not only speaks for itself, it tells the story and proves what really happened.
A lawsuit is like a game of Texas Hold-em. When you have the cards you want to sucker the other guy to go ‘all in” and not to “fold.” That is how you win the big pots.
The widow of Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King, is DEAD. No doubt Bob prefers assisting dead people, since they can’t dispute his claims, regardless of how outrageous they are.
I myself obtained a refund from ASD of $92.5 million, for Abraham Lincoln. (The other half million was money I spent on “expenses.” Don’t bother to ask; I’m NOT going to tell anyone what I spent $500,000 on. That’s my business — if you want to know you should get an attorney and sue me.)
Mr Sterling,
Why not just post under your real name, quit all this Wayne, JD stuff. You need to do a little more research, less internet surfing and dude, it sounds to me like you must have every old TV version of ” Boston Legal” Unfortunately that’s not what happens in a real court of law..
As for Texas Holdem, well why not come on down and play in a tournament , I would love to have your dumb ass at the table with a stack of chips, oh hell I forgot, that would be real chips, not internet money, and that wouldn’t work, right??
Loonie Bob:
You should be thankful that Larry never gets on the internet (his words not mine) as you have done more to ruin his reputation than any 1500 people could. Every time you open your mouth you dig the hole a little deeper. Hell why should you care what happens to your friend. Why worry that he is the one that has to go before a peer review at the Texas Bar. Hell! I just might side with him and do whatever it takes to put you where you rightfully belong….Behind Bars!
Tomorrow we will know the answers to my questions to him and the one thing that is eating away at you is that you actually do not know what is happening. Now you claim to have recorded the mediation and even posted that…so, I decided that the mediator should have a copy of that post along with the Judge and the response that I received back was that you will now get your day in court and again you have screwed Larry royally.
You just never know when to keep your mouth shut.
I’d have to check to be sure, but that’s the first post in quite a while that Bob has made in which he has not admitted breaking a law.
Are we sure that wasn’t ‘Maria?”
(and he has the nerve to question someone else posting with a fictitious name, what a tool)
Are you halucinating, I didnt say I recorded anything, show me where I said that. And nothing is eating away at me Rookie, I spent the entire weekend with my family, went to a two day volleyball tournament, went to church, now IM sitting in front of the fire on the couch, watching Fox News Redeye, thats Fox News Jack, know you watch CNN, you do have a TV right? And Im taking 30 min to answer a few of your BS posts..And what are you doing?? Typing typing typing… 30-45 min is all you get Jack, Ill be busy next week, on a couple of road trips, so have fun bud, talk to you again on April 2nd..
[quote]I never said i would be present, Ill save that for whats coming next, but you should tell the truth about what went on, unless you want a recording on the web..[/quote]
The above statement was made by you at ASD-Biz and implied that you had a recording of the Mediation. Another lie Bobbie? Caught again. I also as does others we have a copy of another post that you made claiming that you would be at the Mediation. Another Lie!
If you spent as much time on telling the truth as you do telling lies we might get some where.
Have a safe road trip as we would not want anything to happen to the one person that makes life worth living and gives us the best entertainment on the web.
After reading these posts from Bobbie, the whole concept of Larry suing Jack for damage to his reputation just boggles the mind. Does he STILL not realize he is suing the wrong guy?
[…] included in the exhibit was a copy of a March 28 column in this Blog, along with reader Comments, including Comments from Guenther. The exhibit also […]
I was shocked to read that some members got their money back. I don’t care who they are, they should not have gotten anything back until we ALL get a refund. I had money in ASD and had made a direct deposit to Golden Panda about 1-2 days before the feds stepped in. If I had waited a few days, I would not have invested and only lost the ASD money. I know the reality of the situation is that the US Govt confiscates the funds, ties it up in courts for years, uses the funds to pay the darn lawyers and IF we ever get anything back it’ll be pennies, not thousands. Why do they even need lawyers? The Govt seized the funds, they know how much each investor is due, so just give us our money back. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or lawyer to do this! Don’t spend the money on lawyers, just go through the investors list and return IN FULL the amounts sent to ASD and Golden Panda. Not too difficult is it? In these tough economic times, I know I sure could use my money back!