Now, An MPB Today Pitch Page That Uses Walmart’s Name In Registered Domain; Site Sells Duplicates For $150 Set-Up Fee
UPDATED 2:10 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Walmart’s name is being used in a domain registered Aug. 27 that promotes the MPB Today multilevel-marketing (MLM) company.
The domain name begins with Walmart’s name, although the website is not registered in the retail giant’s name. Instead, the domain is registered in the name of a Tampa-based company that appears also to sell duplicate sites in a bid to help MPB affiliates recruit new members.
It was not immediately clear if the MPB Today affiliate had Walmart’s permission to use Walmart’s name in a domain name. Also unclear is whether the duplicate sites will use Walmart’s name in their URL.
As a “Special Offer,” prospects can purchase a duplicate site for a set-up fee of $150 and a monthly hosting fee of $10, according to the site. The site includes a “Join Now!” link that redirects to an MPB Today affiliate site.
The word “walmart” takes up the first seven letters of the domain name, which uses two additional full words comprising 13 additional letters to complete the name. Taken as a whole, the domain name implies that Walmart provides free groceries.
Some MPB Today affiliates have claimed Walmart endorses the MPB Today MLM program. Walmart’s name was removed from the homepage of MPB Today last week. It is unclear if Walmart forced the removal.
Walmart has not responded to a request for comment about MPB Today from the PP Blog.
This appears to create a conflict with the ‘soul stealer’ facebook page.
In the cesspit that often is MLM, whatever “works” is OK. If it “works” to claim a welcome affiliation with Walmart, then it’s OK. If it “works” to bash Walmart and paint it as the devil, well, that’s OK, too.
It’s apparently also OK to bash the President of the United States to lure customers into a 2×2 matrix cycler — and then concede only that such a business presentation “may have been” offensive.
Of course, targeting Food Stamp recipients, foreclosure subjects, victims of Ponzi schemes, senior citizens and people of faith also “works” — the more dire the drum beat, the better.
The check-waving videos drawn on a distressed bank also “work,” as does planting the seed that Southeastern’s prohibitively high shipping costs provide the perfect reason to join the matrix.
Endorsements by the folks at the Ponzi forums also “work.” Suggesting that folks who were losers in previous fraud schemes finally have found a program that will make them winners “works,” too — like ASD to AVG and Legisi to Pathway to Prosperity, for example.
The trouble with MPB Today “working” — as Entertained points out — is that “working” creates a losing proposition for 86 percent of the players.
Here is hoping that the folks will see the comments from Olga and Entertained in this thread:×2-cycler-matrix-also-claims-walmart-gift-cards-convertible/comment-page-1/#comment-12729
[off topic]
This story mentions how ponzi friendly payment processor e-gold was used to help with laundering money from credit card scams.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the link. It’s also worth noting that the ASD Ponzi action was brought by members of the same team that brought the e-Gold action. Given the fact MPB is being promoted on the Ponzi cesspits and that affiliates also are targeting the ASD crowd and HYIP and 2×2 players, it’s hard to imagine that money going into MPB is clean.
This means, of course, that participants could be getting paid in dirty money, which is why later conversions to cash via the exchange of a gift card for a Visa prepaid debit card are, at a minimum, contemptible.