UPDATE: MPB Today Now Says Gary Calhoun Was Selected As 2003 ‘Businessman Of The Year’ By National Republican Congressional Committee

Members of the purported MPB Today “grocery” program now are touting company President Gary Calhoun as 2003’s “Businessman of the Year” in promotional news releases and articles online. The company itself is doing the same thing on its website, explaining that Calhoun “was chosen as ‘Outstanding Young Men (sic) in America 1982’ . . . […]
Now, An MPB Today Pitch Page That Uses Walmart’s Name In Registered Domain; Site Sells Duplicates For $150 Set-Up Fee

UPDATED 2:10 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Walmart’s name is being used in a domain registered Aug. 27 that promotes the MPB Today multilevel-marketing (MLM) company. The domain name begins with Walmart’s name, although the website is not registered in the retail giant’s name. Instead, the domain is registered in the name of a Tampa-based company that […]
Bizarre Pitch For MPB Today Paints Walmart As Soul-Stealer And Asks Prospects Not To Accept Gift Card; One Apparent Walmart Fan Displays Visa Card In Separate MPB Promo

First there was a bizarre political attack on President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a bid to drive business to a Florida-based, multilevel-marketing (MLM) firm known as MPB Today. Now, at least one promo that asks prospects to register for MPB Today is attacking Walmart. As affiliates of MPB Today continue to […]
EDITORIAL: Animated Attack On Obama Goes Missing From MPB Today Affiliate’s Sales Arsenal; PP Blog Declines Request From Affiliate’s MLM Sponsor To Remove Story That Describes Bizarre Sales Pitch Painting President As Nazi

Regular readers of the PP Blog know that it supports the efforts of President Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to weed out the purveyors of schemes who brought the U.S. and much of the world economy to its knees. Obama is a Democrat. What readers may not know is that the Blog is written […]
MPB Today Affiliate Website That References Food Stamp Program Has Links To At Least 100 ‘Surfing’ Programs — Some Of Which Already Have Gone Belly-Up; ‘Ken Russo’ Defends Program On Ponzi Forum

A promotional website for the MPB Today multilevel-marketing (MLM) program specifically references the U.S. Food Stamp program administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and includes links to at least 100 “paid to surf” programs, including programs that use domains registered offshore and programs that appear already to have failed. Separately, an MPB Today affiliate […]