‘Jah’ Dumps Narc That Car (Crowd Sourcing International) After Spending Months Defending It, Slamming The BBB And Producing Check-Waving Videos And Promos

"Jah," who once produced check-waving videos to promote Narc That Car, the predecessor company to Crowd Sourcing International, now says he has dropped the firm. He noted, however, that he had a new opportunity waiting in the wings, and a video he shared with his Blog audience published an image of a check only 1 second into the promo. It was not immediately clear if displaying a check at the 1-second mark of an MLM promo established a new world record.
Crowd Sourcing International (CSI) promoter “Jah” has dumped the company after defending it for months, clashing with critics, bashing the Better Business Bureau and publishing check-waving videos on YouTube to promote the Dallas-based firm.
“I’m no longer with CSI after the new changes 8/16,” Jah noted on his Blog. He added that he now would promote a new opportunity.
CSI appears to have changed its program in mid-August. Even so, a message dated Aug. 24 on its website notes it has undone the changes — at least temporarily.
“Effective Immediately – For the next 60 days, CSI is pleased to suspend the ‘retail’ product volume requirement for ‘promotion and qualification,'” the company notes. “CSI understands the learning curve involved in launching new products and training the field sales force. Change requires time… We will also use this time to design and launch exciting new products.”
For his part, Jah told readers he’s moving to greener pastures.
“Crowd Sourcing Int’l Reps Pursuing My Video Talk For Good Reason,” a headline on Jah’s Blog proclaims.
A video Jah published on his website for the new opportunity flashed the first check at the 1-second mark. It was not immediately clear if the swiftness with which the check was displayed established a new world record for a multilevel-marketing (MLM) opportunity.
Crowd Sourcing International, formerly known as Narc That Car, has an “F” rating from the BBB.
Hands up anyone who is surprised at:
a) the cracks beginning to appear in the CSI plan
b) Jah having jumped ship for the next “big one”
Anybody ???
Nobody ????
I’m kinda surprised it took this long to show cracks with that idiot involved to begin with.
Oh, my – poor Jah just can’t get away from UPS Stores, can he? First, he lives out of one in Ohio (even in court filings, he uses the UPS Store as his home address), but now he hooks up with MyVideoTalk, and guess where they’re headquartered? Yup – the UPS Store in Alamo, CA. The reference to “Suite 186” in their address is just their drop box number. Nothing quite screams multinational, multi-million dollar business like a drop box at UPS.
The video Jah’s pimpin’ now talks about all the money raining down from the sky, income up to “…$10,000 per week…”, shows stretch limos, some clown in a Lambo, and all of these totally psyched participants. The only thing missing from the recruiting video? How about product? Not one photograph, not one brief video clip, Nadda. I suppose after paying for all the eye candy, management couldn’t afford an internet connection to demo it. By the way – if you look closely at that Lambo, I believe it’s a rental, or worse yet, a test drive – no license plate, which is less than kosher in California for street driving. Anything to create the cachet, huh?
Here’s a laugh if you’re having an off day. This is a direct quote from the MVT_ProductTerms.pdf file on the MyVideoTalk site:
“MyVideoTalk makes no warranty that the Service will meet its requirements, the Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, the results that may be obtained from the use of the Service will be accurate or reliable, the quality of any products, Services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by licensee through the Service will meet its expectations, and any errors in the Service will be corrected.”
I don’t know folks; I think that sly fox Jah may have hitched his wagon to another old nag, once again…
Take a step back and you’ll realize he’s actually done exactly what HYIP ponzi “playas” do.
Got in, made his money and got out ahead of the inevitable collapse.
“Jah” and his like very rarely “lose” in these games.
That’s one of the bonuses of being on the “inside” of HYIP ponzis and autosurfs.
Being told when to get out AND being able to withdraw your money.
Unlike the average punter, who has no idea of where on the pyramid they sit and couldn’t get their money out even if they wanted to.
Actually JAH, aka Ajamu Kafele – convicted of practicing law without a license, in the state of OHIO, continues to promote CSI via his TRIFECTA CASHFLOW SYSTEM.
CSI is now a component ‘stream of income’ of this ‘trifecta cashflow system’.
He is a slippery snake and will NOT give up that easily!
Currently TCS is getting good press, so he and others can promote TCS, and by proxy CSI, without people realizing – TCS = CSI!
I suggest you get on his mailing list, as I have, and investigate the TRIFECTA CASHFLOW SYSTEM, there, as is obvious from the URL: http://csiwealthteam.com/tcsspreview/, you will eventually find yourself invited into CSI – one of the 3
‘streams of income’ that make up the TRIfecta Cashflow System!
Be not fooled!!!
I remember Jah from the Free Online Cash System (FOCS). I have no idea what deal he had with the git-r-free site and I’m not going to knock his hustle…I made some money there and then decided I didn’t want to do it anymore.
Fast forward one and a half years later I come across another site that was like git-r-free and realized that we didn’t need the system Jah had in place. I guess when your around long enough you learn.
Now I am involved in TBA which is how I came across the Trifecta. I found out at one of my groups conference calls that Jah was the head of the Trifecta group and they have other agendas that does not concern us. The only thing my group and his group has in common is TBA…which does have a “B” rating with the BBB of Alabama so I don’t have to worry about being pitch CSI. But I thank you for the information and I thank my lucky stars I am with the right team.
What is TBA?
[…] program, he moved to another one. The check-waving for the new “program” began at the one-second mark. […]