Egg-Themed Domains Used To Promote HYIPs That Flushed Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Go Missing — Plus, An Update On Data Network Affiliates Amid Suggestion Thyroid Cancer Sufferers Can Benefit From Product Called ‘O-WOW TurboMune’

Four egg-themed domain names used to drive business to HYIPs that ended in spectacular flameouts and foreshadowed a warning from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have gone missing.

The domains — including one that redirected to an HYIP site known bizarrely as Cash Tanker, which used an image of Jesus Christ to promote a purported payout of 2 percent a day — first were promoted on the pro-AdSurfDaily Surf’s Up forum  by a poster who used the handle “joe” in December 2009.

The egg-themed promo featured a pitch that HYIP participants were wise to spread risk by not keeping all of their eggs in “ONE BASKET.” It also hawked Gold Nugget Invest (7.5 percent a week); Saza Investments (9 percent a week); and Genius Funds (6.5 percent a week).

Despite an active criminal investigation into the business practices of ASD President Andy Bowdoin and alleged co-conspirators — and despite a RICO lawsuit filed by members against Bowdoin and repeated warnings from various regulators about the dangers of HYIPs and autosurfs — the egg-themed promo claimed in all-caps that “I MAKE 2000.00 A WEEK” and directly solicited ASD members to part with their money.

One Surf’s Up member dissed critics of the promo, calling them “dead wrong.”

“I also make a lot of money from those four and your remarks tell me you don’t know anything about them,” the member claimed. “[T]hey are very reputable [companies] who have been around for years….and the money is NOT made from ‘new’ people’s money….google them and look at various forums and see what others have to say about them….I don’t even know Joe, but I can vouch for the programs!”

A  series of spectacular collapses that consumed each of the HYIPs then followed over a period of just weeks, demonstrating that spreading risk across multiple HYIPs by putting eggs in multiple HYIP baskets was spectacularly poor advice that had produced a recipe for financial disaster.

In July, FINRA said that Genius Funds cost investors about $400 million. The regulator launched a public-awareness campaign, one component of which was an ad campaign on Google designed to educate and inform the public about HYIP fraud.

“Open the cyber door to HYIPs, and you will find hundreds of HYIP websites vying for investor attention,” FINRA said. “It is a bizarre substratum of the Internet.”

Records show that the government of Belize had issued a warning about Gold Nugget Invest nearly a month before the egg-themed promo had appeared on Surf’s Up and at least two members had vouched for the program.

FINRA also pointed to criminal charges filed by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in May against Nicholas Smirnow, the alleged operator of an HYIP Ponzi scheme known as Pathway To Prosperity that fleeced more than 40,000 people across the globe out of an estimated $70 million.

Gold Nugget Invest (GNI) collapsed in early January 2010, about a month after the egg-themed promo had appeared on Surf’s Up. Surf’s Up went offline just days prior to the collapse of GNI, which was explained in bizarre fashion.

Using baffling prose, a purported GNI manager claimed the program ended after it had attempted to gain “a crystal clear vision of our financial vortex” during the fourth quarter of 2009.

After the collapse of the programs in the original egg-themed pitch on Surf’s Up, the domains then were set to redirect to other HYIPs.

Some ASD members later turned their attention to promoting MLM programs such as Narc That Car/Crowd Sourcing International (CSI), Data Network Affiliates (DNA) and MPB Today.  CSI and DNA purport to be in the business of paying people to write down the license-plate numbers of cars for entry in a database. MPB Today purports to be in the grocery business.

DNA, which once instructed people of faith that it was their “MORAL OBLIGATION” to hawk a purported mortgage-reduction program offered alongside the purported license-plate program, now appears to have morphed into a program known as One World One Website or “O-WOW.”

An email received by members of the O-WOW program this weekend purported that a man suffering from terminal thyroid cancer had derived benefit from an O-WOW product known as “TurboMune” and that members somehow can earn “24% Annual Interest on their money” by giving it to O-WOW.

If members don’t pay O-WOW before Nov. 30, they’ll earn a lower rate of interest (18 percent), according to an email received by members.

Like DNA, O-WOW is associated with Phil Piccolo. During a radio program in August, Piccolo threatened critics with lawsuits and planted the seed that he could cause critics to experience physical pain. DNA has an “F” rating from the Better Business Bureau. So does CSI. So does United Pro Media, a company formerly operated by MPB Today’s Gary Calhoun.

See the PP Blog’s Dec. 4, 2009, story on the egg-themed pitches on the Surf’s Up forum.

About the Author

49 Responses to “Egg-Themed Domains Used To Promote HYIPs That Flushed Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Go Missing — Plus, An Update On Data Network Affiliates Amid Suggestion Thyroid Cancer Sufferers Can Benefit From Product Called ‘O-WOW TurboMune’”

  1. It’s amazing that anyone would bother with earning a trifling 24% per annum when, for very little effort, they could make their fortune in the latest “next big thing” which has opened just in time for Christmas, and is offering:

    “Accepts LR, PM

    UP TO 10% Ref. Comm.

    Investment plans:

    100.5% After 1 Hour
    50.50% Hourly for 2 Hours
    9.5% Hourly For 12 Hours
    5.4% Hourly For 24 Hours
    3.4% Hourly For 48 Hours

    Instant Withdraw
    Ddos protection server
    SSL Encryption
    Licensed Script
    Payouts 7 days a week
    No Withdraw minimum
    Unique Design”

  2. It appears that “O-WOW” has some competition in the domain name realm, like “Olympic Weightlifting On the Web”,the “Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds”, “Other Worlds of Wonder”, and the “OWOW 8 gig zip drive. Doesn’t look like they put alot of thought into having a unique branding for their “product”.

    Someone needs to sell them some Branding expertise. Any takers??

  3. Quick note: In this comments thread (link below), poster Tony pointed out an absurd HYIP advertising 123 percent daily.

    Entertained did a calculation, and arrived at the conclusion that the ROI, compounded daily, computed to an annualized rate of five x 10 to the 88th power.

    The Blog software choked when trying to reproduce the number as as a whole number. This was not surprising, given that the number was 100 million times larger than the number of particles in the universe.

    On a side note, the Blog continues to hear from victims of the alleged Imperia HYIP, which targeted people with hearing impairments and made promises of astronomical returns.

    On another side note, the Blog received a polite note that suggested we publish a date and time for all stories. We’ve always published the date and times. They’re directly below the headlines of each post.

    There also is a search box in the upper-right corner of the Blog.


  4. they could make their fortune in the latest “next big thing” which has opened just in time for Christmas . . .:

    Hi LRM,

    Yes, a new crop has arrived just in time for the Holidays. The new marketing method appears to feature an appeal to hourly greed — as you point out.


  5. It just goes to show you that not everyone has a firm grasp of the obvious, such as I do…

  6. It appears that “O-WOW” has some competition in the domain name realm, like “Olympic Weightlifting On the Web”,the “Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds”, “Other Worlds of Wonder”, and the “OWOW 8 gig zip drive.

    Hi Don,

    The miracle Zip drive, I believe, is associated with the same O-WOW that is suggesting its “TurboMune” product adds to the quality of life of patients suffering from thyroid cancer.

    Like DNA before it, it seems that nonmembers who seek to contact the company will encounter a tall task. The links at the bottom of the landing page appear all to resolve to the the same landing page, including a link titled “Non Affiliated Support.”


  7. Found this on another website:

    ßeta 1-3, D glucan is a natural polysaccharide (carbohydrate ) derived from bakers yeast that interacts with the body to help support a healthy balanced immune system. It is the PUREST, MOST POWERFUL GLUCAN available, anywhere. This has been demonstrated time and time again. Independent third party testing of our product, in comparison to other immune supplements, clearly prove that our product superbly out performs all others.

    Unlike other immune products that “boost” or “stimulate” the immune system, our glucan enhances the immune function naturally; it modulates the system or takes it to its optimal level. Immune products that boost the immune system may be harmful as they “artificially” accelerate it its activity.

    What does it do?ßeta glucan is ingested through a portion of the lower intestine and delivered directly to the immune system. Here it is broken down and delivered throughout the body, helping the immune system operate at its peak performance.

    Is it safe?The ßeta Source glucan is all natural and safe. It carries an approved GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means that it is safe for everyone.


    A healthy immune system is a healthy body

    TurboMune (30 Serving Bottle)

    Now they are claiming that it has been approved by the FDA.

  8. #
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Facebook
    TurboMune is in stock and ships out via FED EX within 3 days of ordering. … There are hundreds if not thousands of Medical Journals written on TurboMune. ……/105663906133859 – Cached
    medical journals | Facebook
    By the way did you know that TurboMune is the best Beta-1,3D Glucan in the … – Cached
    Show more results from

    Neither of these two facebook pages say anything about turbomune that I could find and most people would not click on the link and would take the above for face value.

  9. Appearing just before Christmas is just a way to give the operators of these schemes some time. Many of these schemes collapse in the weeks and months before Christmas because members naturally want that Lamborghini gift wrapped and under the Christmas tree. What’s the point of “working hard” if you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labors?

    By starting these schemes before Christmas, it maximizes the time the organizers have to run the scheme since people will often not want to withdraw their funds until next Christmas. A year is plenty of time to build up a nice sum at 2% per day or whatever the supposed rate of return.

  10. It appears that “O-WOW” has some competition in the domain name realm, like “Olympic Weightlifting On the Web”,the “Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds”, “Other Worlds of Wonder”, and the “OWOW 8 gig zip drive. Doesn’t look like they put alot of thought into having a unique branding for their “product”.

    O-WOW stands for “One World One Website”. While the domain registration is hidden behind a proxy as always, the “support” email address is one associated with DNA and therefore Phil “The Crime Wave” Piccolo. The address on the WHOIS appears to be a UPS store.

    And, yes, there appears to be some people throwing money at this.

  11. It just goes to show you that not everyone has a firm grasp of the obvious, such as I do…  

    And therein lies the rub, Don.

    As hard as it may be to believe, there are a not inconsiderable number of people out there who honestly and genuinely continue to believe they have been robbed of their “numbers on a screen” accounts by the prosecution of ASD and other ponzis.

    In their minds, the expected payouts would have been more than they have ever “earned” or even possessed ever before.

    Of course they’re angry at anyone they perceive as having been involved in “robbing” them.

    Consider the anorexic who can continue to believe he or she is overweight even as their organs begin the shut down process or the terminally ill person who continues to reject conventional medicine in favour of the latest snake oil treatment even when they are to weak to even feed themselves.

    Hard to comprehend ????? Extremely.

    Real ????? ABSOLUTELY.

  12. I don’t know where to begin, so how about this…This page (don#t know about the rest of the website) is a total disgrace. 1st, OWOW is not involved in any HYIP to my knowledge, which is considerable.

    1.The 24% is 2% monthly and has to do with infomercials, not investing.

    2. “Now they are claiming that it has been approved by the FDA”

    No, they are not, Jack Arons. Please remove this flat out lie from your post.

    Beta 1 3D Glucan carries an approved GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means that it is safe for everyone.

    3. As far as the OWOW Stick, the product is produced by a company, inc 500
    and has grown by 3,000% in the last 3 years in the social media space. Again, you knock great American business and rob people of opportunity and jobs, again THIS PAGE IS A DISGRACE AND THE OWNER SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF. PS. The developer of the owow stick has a famous family member worth an estimated $3 billion.

    As far as Phil this and Phil that, you had your chance to confront Phil and you all ran away.

    Have a nice day.

  13. 1.The 24% is 2% monthly and has to do with infomercials, not investing.

    Sounds like an unregistered security to me.


    No, I’m not ashamed.

    Should Phil Piccolo be ashamed of anything, John? You know, like telling people of faith it was their “MORAL OBLIGATION” to push DNA’s mortgage-reduction program for a share of commissions 10 levels deep — or participating in a venture that sought to link DNA’s license-plate program to the legacy of Amber Hagerman, a murdered 9-year-old?

    The developer of the owow stick has a famous family member worth an estimated $3 billion.

    Name the famous family member. I’ll call him or her to see if the family has any comment on Phil Piccolo selling OWOW sticks to people he told get get a free cell phone with unlimited talk and text for $10 a month.

    As far as Phil this and Phil that, you had your chance to confront Phil and you all ran away.

    Back with this again, John? I’d describe Piccolo’s radio “interview” as a bid to chill critics and customers by planting the seed that he might just sue them or cause them to experience physical pain.

    See my response from Sept. 17 here:


  14. Quick note: Forgot to note in my comment above to John that one of DNA’s shills claimed the AMBER Alert program, which is named after Amber Hagerman and has resulted in the rescue of hundreds of abducted children, has a bloated budget.

    The same shill said churches and “doctors’ offices” and stores like Walmart and Target were great places for DNA members to write down license-plate numbers “inconspicuously.”

    Piccolo also told the troops that 10,000 miles driven doing the good work of recording license plates for DNA could result in a $5,000 tax deduction.


  15. “Should Phil Piccolo be ashamed of anything, John? You know, like telling people of faith it was their “MORAL OBLIGATION” to push DNA’s mortgage-reduction program for a share of commissions 10 levels deep”

    I’m a christian and i agree 100% with Phil. Christians should be sharing information about the mortgage reduction services that are available,AND GETTING PAID MILLIONS FOR DOING IT, yes, there are lawful (unlike the bankers that you seem to overlook on this site, regularly) procedures for confronting criminals in the mortgage usury business, the New York Times was talking very highly of at least 1 group of lawyers who are hammering the banks on behalf of the small guy and big pay days, and why not?
    Whoever…”The same shill said churches and “doctors’ offices” and stores like Walmart and Target were great places for DNA members to write down license-plate numbers “inconspicuously.”

    Well, no reason to do it inconspicuously, i like to wear my OWOW LOGO shirt
    doing it, right outside my local Police station. I must say the Police were impressed when i showed them the car tag plan, why would they not be?
    “Name the famous family member.”

    GOTCHA! Listen, if you Knew as much as your big head likes to convince you that you know, you would know this information. I’m not going to subject a US business icon to any questioning from you.
    “Piccolo also told the troops that 10,000 miles driven doing the good work of recording license plates for DNA could result in a $5,000 tax deduction.”


  16. “I’ll call him or her to see if the family has any comment on Phil Piccolo selling OWOW sticks to people he told get get a free cell phone with unlimited talk and text for $10 a month.2

    The company made a mistake with a vendor who has since been exposed as having stolen an ID, so, this person will soon be going to prison. Talking of mistakes, you lot have published at least 6 (i’m being generous calling them mistakes) on this one page!!

  17. You’re a fraud dude. Pack it up scammer.

  18. whip

    Slander me then run away. Very big of you.
    Anytime you want to debate, come and have a go!

  19. Whip

    Sorry whip, i was a bit quick of the mark, your comment
    is meant for Patrick, right?

  20. Why anyone should come to defend Phil Picollo or DNA is beyond my understanding. He is perfectlty able to defend himself and attack anyone who disagrees with him.

    The only conclusion that makes sense is that you, John, are as crooked as he is.

  21. “Why anyone should come to defend Phil Picollo or DNA is beyond my understanding.”

    Your right he is perfectly able to defend himself, my goal is to defend OWOW for myself, and my distributors from LIES.
    For your information, there is no company called DNA.

    “You John are as crooked as he is”

    Me? A crook? ROFLOL… i have never had 1 encounter with the law in my life, i do however have several medals for long service to various non profit groups.

    Please leave my distributorship alone, Beta 1 3d Glucan is a very important
    material to get to the public. As far as cancer? It does not cure cancer, however it has been proven to be effective (along side) when people have to endure chemo or radiotherapy.

  22. Guys, test data and background, you may need this one day for
    yourself, a friend or loved one.
    (not a sales site)


  23. For your information, there is no company called DNA.

    Sure there is, John. Data Network Affiliates (DNA) is a registered and active LLC in Nevada, according to the state.

    The domain for DNA now is redirecting to the OWOW site — just as the domain for Tag Every once resolved to the DNA site. In fact, the Tag Every domain also is redirecting to the OWOW site.

    This means that DNA members who, say, featured photos of Oprah and Donald Trump to drive traffic to DNA are now driving traffic to OWOW. It also means what people who planted the seed that DNA was connected to the AMBER Alert program also are driving traffic to OWOW.

    And, of course, it also means that people who prepared ads for DNA using the intellectual property of Apple Inc. and others also are driving traffic to OWOW. Same story with the $10 cell phone. Those sites also are driving traffic to OWOW.

    As far as cancer? It does not cure cancer, however it has been proven to be effective (along side) when people have to endure chemo or radiotherapy.

    If that’s true, then why did DNA members get an email Nov. 26 that said this:

    “Invest 90 Seconds to earn $4,600 to $46,000 Monthly
    Send A Simple E-mail “The Secret Cure For Cancer”


    Invest 90 Seconds + Send out a Simple Cure for Cancer e-mail… Earn $4,600 to $46,000 a Month within 100 days or less…

    The Simple & Short E-mail

    Most likely someone you love will die of Cancer or
    some type of Flu type Disease and when it happens
    you will say I wish I could have done something…

    Are you ready for the Simple & Secret CURE…
    Here it is “DON’T GET IT”…

    Take TurboMune & DON’T GET IT & If you GOT IT
    Take TurboMune To Help You Get Rid You Of IT…

    This product use to sell for $150 a capsule…
    It currently sells in ASIA for $300 a bottle…
    OWOW sells the product as low as $19.95 a bottle…

    Invest 90 Seconds

    Why would someone send such an email, John? Why would someone at DNA plant the seed that TurboMune cures cancer?


  24. Selected stories that reference DNA:


  25. John

    Do your homework. The studies have been carried on one of the base ingredients of your OWOW product,beta glucan, not on OWOW’s product itself. It has been looked at as a dietary supplement which is, so far, viewed as non toxic.

    Big deal, so is ginger. It also helps the after effects of chemotherapy, as does medicinal marijuana. So your point is?

    So if your wife or child falls sick with cancer, are you trying to tell us that you will be singing the same song? You bet your boots you wont. You’ll be doing what every other living soul does. You’ll try to find some help – any help – whatever the cost. But with your inside knowledge, you won’t be running after snake oil salesmen whose only interest is money and not the health or survival of your family.

  26. “Piccolo also told the troops that 10,000 miles driven doing the good work of recording license plates for DNA could result in a $5,000 tax deduction.”



    I pointed out that Piccolo was advertising the purported tax advantages of DNA membership. You commented, “So?”

    Did you know that Phil was in YTB (Your Travel Biz)? California ended up suing YTB. The $1 million settlement agreement expressly prohibited YTB from engaging in “false and misleading marketing” and telling the troops that “tax-write offs are available by purchasing a website,” according to the attorney general.

    Does Phil take the clue after YTB gets nailed for $1 million and is expressly banned from making false and misleading claims and tax claims?


    Within months of the YTB settlement,Phil moves on to DNA — and tells the troops that they can qualify for a $5,000 mileage tax write-off if they drive 10,000 miles to record license-plate numbers — AFTER another company with which he had been involved was banned from advertising tax “write offs.”

    In doing so, he is encouraging additional scrutiny and raising questions about whether part of DNA’s plan is to create an excuse for people to deduct mileage. I have not seen one shed of evidence that DNA’s plate program has any legitimacy at all. In fact, the very same company touting the tax advantages of the license-plate program has declared it a “loss leader.”

    If a person can’t make any money in DNA’s license-plate program and the company acknowledges it is a “loss leader,” how can an affiliate take a mileage tax deduction?

    What’s your theory on what might happen if affiliates who make little or nothing in DNA — which apparently is morphing into OWOW — start taking mileage tax deductions and explain to the Feds that Piccolo/DNA told them to keep track of the miles they drove to record plate numbers?

    Andy Bowdoin of ASD tried the “loss leader” strategy. It ultimately led to a raid and a Ponzi investigation.

    Now Piccolo and DNA/OWOW are telling the troops that OWOW’s products can cure cancer — all while OWOW is receiving the benefit of traffic coming from all the DNA sites at which other ridiculous claims were made.

    “Invest 90 Seconds + Send out a Simple Cure for Cancer e-mail… Earn $4,600 to $46,000 a Month within 100 days or less,” the company instructs.

    DNA also mysteriously changed the name of its BBP “program” to the BBB program. BBB, of course, is the acronym for the Better Business Bureau, which has given DNA and “F” for not responding to complaints.

    Why do you think DNA started calling its BBP “program” the BBB, John? Think it was an accident?

    Now, based on the 24 percent interest offer, Piccolo and DNA have put OWOW in position for questions to be raised about whether the company is selling unregistered securities as investment contracts.

    This, of course, happened after ASD essentially was accused of the same thing and during a period in which the SEC and state regulators are closely scrutinizing the issuers of securities — perhaps especially those companies that issue securities but call them something else.

    Next, Piccolo and DNA/OWOW start referencing “cancer” — another landmine.

    MLM has not gotten its poor reputation in a vacuum. EVOLV decided it would plant the seed that its bottled water was endorsed by one of the most prestigious cancer-research facilities on earth. Here’s what happened:

    Separately, the U.S. Court of Appeals recently upheld a $48.2 million judgment against marketers who made cancer claims:

    Apparently, rather than learn from any of these things, Piccolo is prompting the OWOW troops to send a cancer-cure email. If history is any guide, the troops soon can expect an email on the purported tax benefits of repping for OWOW.

    I think that such claims endanger every affiliate and the company itself, especially given the events at YTB and all the bizarre and incongruous claims about DNA. One one hand, DNA said it was helping the AMBER Alert program and law enforcement with its license-plate program. On the other, it was selling a “spray” purported to block intersection cameras for snapping photos of license plates.

    That’s the “So” — or at least part of the “So.”


  27. WishfulThinking

    “Do your homework. The studies have been carried on one of the base ingredients of your OWOW product,beta glucan, not on OWOW’s product itself. It has been looked at as a dietary supplement which is, so far, viewed as non toxic.

    Big deal, so is ginger. It also helps the after effects of chemotherapy, as does medicinal marijuana. So your point is?”

    Do my homework? LOL…There is only 1 ingredient in TurboMune, Beta 1 3d Glucan, 100 mg. All the testing that has been done including The US Military tests, including ANTHRAX exposure, were done on the EXACT material in our bottle, same material, from the same factory.

  28. “Why would someone at DNA plant the seed that TurboMune cures cancer?”

    Patrick, THERE YOU GO AGAIN, wrong AGAIN, spreading lies AGAIN.
    The email says “The Secret Cure For Cancer” IS “Dont get it”.


    On a seperate note, i was shocked to discover that you are also spreading Islamophobia, so not only are you a two-bit hack, some might say that you are a racist. For your information, most educated people know that the terror scares are FAKE, and that the Sept 11th attacks were carried out by another group, Israel being prime suspects. In fact Dr Alan Sabrosky, Director Of Studies at The US Army War College goes further.

    Israel did 9/11, they did it.
    Dr Alan Sabrosky

  29. “SEC and state regulators are closely scrutinizing”

    The SEC? In between watching porn all day? The same SEC covering up the biggest financial crime is history, IE the long term manipulation of the Gold and precious metals markets? That SEC?

  30. Hey John,

    Foaming at the mouth does not constitute a spirited defense of a “program” you support. It only reinforces Patrick’s and other poster’s points. 90% or more of readers just lurk, they never post. Fortunately you give those lurkers considering joining these scams a very good reason to stay away. Thank you for that.

  31. dirty_bird

    Don’t think so, i have just responded to the lies on this page, out of all the points covered i have turned out to be right and they have turned out to be wrong. This webiste is deeply suspicious. Is Patrick an American, he sounds like an Israeli?

  32. John… here’s a suggestion.

    Go to Google and look up glucan snake oil.

  33. John,

    If Patrick publishes lies, it’s interesting that no one has sued him. Here’s a hint: The last place a scammer wants to be is in a court of law under oath.

    You’ve cited no recognized authorities in your “responses”. You’ve cited no facts and ignored claims made by the programs you support.

    On the other hand, Patrick has cited the programs own claims, court documents, previous articles and information from authorities generally respected by most people.

    What’s with the Israeli comment? Do all Israelis think alike?

    So far Patrick is batting 1.000. All the programs on this site go down sooner or later. Either they collapse on their own, get raided or morph into the “next big thing”.

    Like I said, your comments are a great reason to stay away from the programs you support.

    dirty_birdDon’t think so, i have just responded to the lies on this page, out of all the points covered i have turned out to be right and they have turned out to be wrong.This webiste is deeply suspicious.Is Patrick an American, he sounds like an Israeli?  

  34. Before reading the link below, you will have to suspend reality for a while. Of course, anything to do with Phil “The Crime Wave”, DNA and what ever his latest scam is will require an alternate reality.

    The OWOW company is committed to giving money to feed the millions of starving children around the world. In order to do this, they are not asking for money from their affiliates, in fact, affiliates will still make money to spend in the token system on OWOW products.

    They are going to generate the money by collecting car tag data and entering it into a system that helps companies track vehicles that are in repossession or have been stolen, or worst case, have been used in an abduction.

    So, this company is trying to profit by selling something that claims to be “The SECRET CURE FOR CANCER…”, and collect car number plate data (with all the privacy concerns that has). Tying “starving children” with a questionable MLM scheme is just as low as it gets. Phil “The Crime Wave” must be short of cash. I wonder if he has another water bill that needs paying?

  35. ProfHenryHiggins

    Send your email to the US Army, they must be testing snake oil.

  36. John,

    I suggest you move on to the Pee Wee Herman forum. I think your tactics and responses are more suited for that board. Just a suggestion.


    ProfHenryHigginsSend your email to the US Army, they must be testing snake oil.  

  37. dirty_bird
    “You’ve cited no recognized authorities in your “responses”.

    Like the SEC, the porno watchers, who cover for criminals at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. Funny. i dont see these names mentioned on this website.

    Now can you answer my question, IS PATRICK AN ISRAELI?

  38. dirty_bird
    ProfHenryHiggins (FAKE)

    Just some of the testing done on the EXACT material in our TurboMune.
    Please dont have me come back to have to answer anymore of your
    hysterical rants.

    Abel, G. & Czop, J.K.; – “Stimulation of human monocyte beta-glucan receptors by glucan particles induces production of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta, “Int. J. Immunopharmacolol, 14: 1363-1373. 1992.*

    Abel, G. & Czop, J.K., – “Activation of Human Monocyte GM-CSF and TNF-alpha. Production by Particulate Yeast Glucan,” International Congress for Infectious Diseases, Montreal, Canada (abstract). 1990. * Dept of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Quote: “Beta-glucans are pharmacological agents that rapidly enhance the host resistance to a variety of biologic insults through mechanisms involving macrophage activation.”

    Adachi Y., Ohno N., Yacomae T.; – “Preparation and antigen specificity of an anti- (1–>3)-beta-D-glucan antibody,” Biol Pharm bull 17: 1508-1512; 1994. *

    Adachi Y., Ohno N., Yacomae T.; – “Inhibitory effect of beta-glucans on Zymosan-mediated hydrogen peroxide production by murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro,” Biol Pharm Bull, 16: 462-467; 1993.

    Adachi Y., Ohno N., Ohsawa M., Oikawa S.,Yacomae T.; – “Macrophage activation in vitro by chemically cross-linked (1–3)-beta-D-glucans,” Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo), 38:988-992 1990. Laboratory of Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, Tokyo College of Pharmacy, Japan. *

    Ainsworth A.J., – “A beta-glucan inhibitable Zymosan receptor on channel catfish neutrophils,” Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 41: 141-152. 1994. *

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  39. Basically, you have an extract of baker’s yeast which purports to boost the immune system but has not been tested or approved by the FDA or any other reputable and recognized organization.

    It’s also the major ingredient touted on more than a few score vitamin sites and available starting at about $7.99 for a supply. At least those sites have the decency to disclose that their product have not been tested and are reputed but not confirmed to boost the immune system. None of those sites purport that this active ingredient cures cancer or somehow aids in cancer treatment.

    Somehow all the major drug companies have missed this treatment and product. My humble suggestion is that you get FDA approval and tap into Medicare and insurance payments. Instead, this product is touted by a group of people who have a history of scams.

    Have you read all the articles you posted? Can you cite specific passages which support your claims?

    Just some of the testing done on the EXACT material in our TurboMune.
    Please dont have me come back to have to answer anymore of your
    hysterical rants

  40. DirtyBird

    “It’s also the major ingredient touted on more than a few score vitamin sites and available starting at about $7.99 for a supply.”

    Yes.ALL those products have been tested and found wanting, the $7.99 product had less than 2mg of active material, ie you need to take 100 capsules of their product for the same immune response you get from 1 (200 mg dose) of ours.

    GIVE UP!
    PS. Millions consider the FDA to be a filthy cabal of criminals.

  41. “this product is touted by a group of people who have a history of scams.”

    I thought your gripe was with Phil, now it’s “a group”
    Want to name the people, and provide me your address and contact details?

  42. “Somehow all the major drug companies have missed this treatment and product.”

    No, they have not missed it. In Japan they have a cancer treatment using glucans from mushrooms, costs about $900 a month and takes 8 times the dose for the same immune response that you get with 1 dose of TurboMune.

    Big Pharma – $900 month
    TurboMune – $19.95 moth

    Have a nice day!

  43. Considering the rabidness with which you attack people who bring up simple, basic questions, “John,” I’m going to take anything you claim with a grain of salt unless you can prove otherwise.

    Assuming someone’s nationality based on no real evidence, really now? Isn’t that like claiming everyone with a Mc at the start of their family name has to be a citizen of Scotland, no matter how many generations removed they are from ancestors who emigrated away?

    Now, back to the subject at hand. This beta-glucan stuff.

    Some connections to snake oil:

    What the FDA actually says about it:

    Hmm. So this stuff’s presence in human blood is an indicator of fungal infections? Not cancer.

    The FDA slammed this company earlier this year for very similar medical claims regarding cancer.

  44. Who tested your product? Can you cite the study and quote specific passages?

    Ok, let’s suppose the FDA is a “filthy cabal of criminals”. What regulatory agencies in other first world countries have approved this product for cancer treatment? Any? Or did all the major pharma companies, as well as all those in other countries, miss this product?

    Only Phil Piccolo and his minions has the foresight and competency to bring this product to market? As stated, I think you are leaving tons of money on the table by not having big pharma purchase the rights to this product. They have a great distribution pipeline.

    Googling a list of studies on the active ingredient and posting that as proof of the efficacy of your product only wows the “AS SEEN ON TV” crowd.

    Yes.ALL those products have been tested and found wanting, the $7.99 product had less than 2mg of active material, ie you need to take 100 capsules of their product for the same immune response you get from 1 (200 mg dose) of ours.

    GIVE UP!
    PS. Millions consider the FDA to be a filthy cabal of criminals.

  45. “Only Phil Piccolo has the foresight and competency to bring this product to market?”

    I think history will prove that yes, your comment is correct.

    “Who tested your product? Can you cite the study and quote specific passages?”

    The material in our bpttle has been assayed by (Dr. Parastoo Azadi) the University of Georgia Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (UGA CCRC).

    Results: 94% complex carbohydrate fraction, with about 85% of that being the 1, 3-D glucan backbone.

  46. Great, I will email her and see if she endorses your specific product for cancer treatment.

    The material in our bpttle has been assayed by (Dr. Parastoo Azadi) the University of Georgia Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (UGA CCRC).

  47. No point emailing Dr. Parastoo Azadi about OWOW, if you want to contact her you should ask about the Beta 1 3d Glucan produced by A.J Lanigan, AJ is producing TurboMune for OWOW.

    Also, Dr Vaclav Vetvicka, Ph.D
    has a book out (Beta Glucan, Natures Secret) and suggests that if people want to use the material they should use the material produced by the manufacturer that supplies OWOW, again that is A.J Lanigan.


  48. […] are a racist,” a poster identified as “John” wrote in a comments thread below a Nov. 21 story that referenced OWOW. “For your information, most educated people know that the terror scares are FAKE, and that […]

  49. Good idea db.