SPECIAL REPORT: Hollow Claim: Caller Brings Up AdSurfDaily Ponzi Prosecution In JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Conference Call; Frederick Mann Tells Affiliates Operating In United States That ‘We Don’t Have An Office In The U.S.’
“[F]raudulent commercial schemes are not noted for their internal consistency.” — Professor James E. Byrne, consultant to FBI and Scotland Yard (among others) and HYIP expert hired by U.S. government to assess the alleged Pathway To Prosperity scheme in 2010
In a bizarre conference call for the JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid “program,” a caller who identified himself as a former AdSurfDaily member raised the issue of the ASD Ponzi scheme case brought by the U.S. Secret Service in 2008, questioning whether JSS/JBP was safe from regulatory scrutiny or “getting too big and drawing certain attention.”
The implication of the remark was that the attention of the U.S. government would be unwanted.
With listeners identifying themselves as U.S.-based members of JSS/JBP on the line, Frederick Mann suggested that his purported program was outside the reach of U.S. law enforcement.
“Just Been Paid is not based in the U.S.,” Mann replied to the caller, after the female host of the call had paraphrased the caller’s query to Mann. The host paraphrased the question because Mann said he didn’t catch it the first time around.
” . . . [H]e was making reference to AdSurfDaily and that they were closed down, and he wants to know what we have in place to protect Just BeenPaid for it not to happen like AdSurfDaily,” the host said to Mann.
“Just Been Paid is not based in the U.S., and our servers are not in the U.S.,” Mann replied. “We don’t have an office in the U.S.”
But Mann’s answer did not speak to costly civil and criminal litigation that could ensue against JSS/JBP’s U.S.-based members, all of whom are using wires that run through the United States to participate in the purported program and some of whom are using U.S. wires to recruit downline members. Nor did the answer speak to actions the United States could take against JSS/JBP itself.
In 2008, marketing materials identified Mann as an ASD promoter. In January 2012, the Italian securities regulator CONSOB announced a JSS/JBP-related probe and issued a 90-day suspension order. JSS/JBP purports to pay out at a daily rate of 2 percent, double that of ASD. On an annualized basis, the payout rate of JSS/JBP corresponds to a return that is between 48 and 73 times the typical rates that put Bernard Madoff in prison for 150 years. ASD President Andy Bowdoin was indicted on Ponzi scheme charges in December 2010.
Bowdoin specifically was accused of wire fraud, securities fraud and selling unregistered securities. The U.S. Secret Service seized 10 of his personal bank accounts in August 2008, amid Ponzi allegations. Other court filings that became public in 2010 showed that the Secret Service also had seized bank accounts linked to some individual ASD promoters.
Mann previously has declined to identify JSS/JBP with a nation-state, meaning investors do not know where the “program” is operating from. JSS/JBP has no known securities registrations, and its U.S. affiliates very well could be selling unregistered securities to U.S. citizens via wire while at once implicating themselves and their recruits in a Ponzi scheme that is trying to disguise itself as a legitimate business.
Even if it is presumed to be true that the United States could not act against the company itself — and that’s a big “if” because U.S. law enforcement has a number of options should it choose to exercise them — U.S.-based affiliates of the “program” likely are running afoul of any number of civil and criminal statutes.
Internal Inconsistencies
In 2010, Professor James E. Byrne — who has consulted with the FBI and Scotland Yard and was hired by the United States to offer an expert opinion on the Pathway To Prosperity (P2P) HYIP scheme — observed that “fraudulent commercial schemes are not noted for their internal consistency” and that materials he examined in the P2P case displayed such inconsistencies.
After a probe by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, P2P operator Nicholas Smirnow was charged criminally and accused of running an international financial scam. The purported return rate of JSS/JBP is somewhat on par with the rates of the alleged Smirnow/P2P HYIP scheme.
Internal inconsistencies were on full display during the March 8 JSS/JBP call featuring Mann.
As one example, a caller who identified himself as “John” and appeared to be speaking in U.S. English asked Mann for some specifics about the program, voicing that he was confused.
“All your marketing material — your website and now this conference call — has confused me more than anything I’ve ever heard in my life,” John said.
“You don’t have any answers for the [gentlemen] that have asked questions,” John said.
Mann suggested that John “submit a help request.”
Apparently growing agitated and increasingly confused, John shot back, “I submit that I just would like to have a straight answer.”
Mann again pointed John to the company’s web-based explanations and resources.
“The basic approach” to JSS/JBP, Mann explained, is to “find one thing that you understand and then find another thing that you understand, and that way you keep on finding things that you can understand.”
Unmoved by Mann’s response, John shot back, “I have two master’s degrees and I’m telling you that I do not understand it.”
John was the seventh caller to have asked Mann questions during the March 8 call. An eighth caller then came on the line. He identified himself as “Rick” (or by a name that sounded like Rick), saying he was from “California.” (Note: Garbling during the recorded call sometimes made it difficult to hear a name clearly.)
Rick questioned whether callers such as John should be asking Mann such “basic” questions, asserting that Rick, unlike John, had no master’s degree but nevertheless understood the program.
At that point, Mann observed that online money-making programs may have a “bigger learning curve.”
After Rick exited the line, a caller who identified himself as “Michael” from “San Francisco” stepped up to the plate for Mann and JSS/JBP.
Michael asserted that, like John, he has a “master’s degree,” adding that “I have lots of degrees” but noting that his academic pedigree was “really not applicable to online money-making.”
As guidance, Michael suggested that JSS/JBP promoters sign up for “all” of the payment processors used by the program — but Michael did not tell listeners that all of the processors with which JSS/JBP has associated itself are operating offshore (from a U.S. standpoint), are known to be friendly to fraud schemes and may deny customers U.S. consumer protections.
More Internal Inconsistencies
Other examples of internal inconsistencies presented themselves during the call, a recording of which was about 48 minutes in length.
One caller who identified himself as residing in “Florida” asked Mann about the importance of the “patent” claim on JBP’s website.
Mann initially replied that the “patent” claim is “not important at all.”
The response, however, gives rise to questions about why JSS/JBP even would mention a patent if it was “not important at all,” particularly since the “program” had altered the patent claim over time.
Prior to a website alteration that appears to have occurred last month, JSS/JBP made this specious claim: “JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and its related programs, including JSS-Tripler, are licensed under United States Patent 6,578,010.”
Those words were changed to read, “JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and its related programs operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain).”
After reflecting on the caller’s patent question, Mann said this, “In any case, the patent is public domain. It doesn’t actually protect anything. But what is relevant about it is that a patent that covers some of what we do was issued and was approved by a government agency.”
In the United States, patents are issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a government entity. The office is not the nation’s securities regulator.
It is common for scammers to try to associate a scheme with the government as a means of planting the seed that the government has full knowledge of the “program” and has endorsed it. The ASD scheme, for example, traded on the name of the President of the United States — something that caught the attention of the U.S. Secret Service, which has the twin duties of guarding the President’s life and protecting the U.S. financial system from criminals.
Callers also expressed confusion about “commission” payments from JSS/JBP and raised questions about an emerging JSS/JBP “Platinum” program that would accompany an existing “Premium” program through which some earlier members had paid higher fees believing they would “cycle” faster and make more money.
Based on comments made during the call, it appears as though the “Platinum” program is priced higher than the “Premium” program — and members are concerned that their earlier “Premium” purchases would be for naught if new “Platinum” purchasers effectively could pay more money to cut in line and “cycle” faster than them.
Quick note: It is perhaps worth noting that the conference call host — who appeared to speak impeccable U.S. English — repeatedly used the pronoun “we” during the call in the context of JSS/JBP.
Whether she was an ordinary member of a JSS/JBP insider is not known.
She has, on occasion, appeared to have become frustrated at callers and even with Fred, pointing out that she’d emailed him material about other payment processors. In the past, Fred claimed that the email she sent about the processors probably got lost.
In any event, it is clear that JSS/JBP has a substantial footprint in the United States. In the calls I’ve listened to (three now), the majority of people who ask questions have identified themselves as residents of U.S. states.
There also has been undertones of what JSS/JBP needs to do to keep itself “safe” from U.S. regulators. Those things show what investigators could describe as “consciousness of guilt” — like in the ASD days, when forum mods scolded questioners for calling ASD an “investment” and X number of ASD members stuck to the story even after the seizure that they’d purchased “advertising,” for example.
My guess is that some of the folks who played those word games screwed themselves out of getting a remissions payment from the seized ASD proceeds.
Hi Patrick/Lynn/littleroundman/Gregg/LORM/Soapboxmom/etc.
One other importance to the ‘patent’ is that if they are using it, they owe someone royalties after they actually get permission to use it. They can be taken to court for improper use and forced to stop if they do not have permission which I think we can all agree they probably don’t.
LOL, Whip.
See this claim from poster in January 2012:
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
(that was not us, BTW, it’s John Lennon)
[…] Re: justbeenpaid Patrick Pretty's latest! Patrick is the best! SPECIAL REPORT: Hollow Claim: Caller Brings Up AdSurfDaily Ponzi Prosecution In JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Conference Call; Frederick Mann Tells Affiliates Operating In United States That ‘We Don’t Have An Office In The U.S.’ By PatrickPretty.com 6:41 pm Mar 17, 2012 Link: SPECIAL REPORT: Hollow Claim: Caller Brings Up AdSurfDaily Ponzi Prosecution In JSS Tripler/JustBeen… […]