URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Legisi HYIP Ponzi Pitchman Sentenced To 60 Months In Federal Prison, Ordered To Pay $4.4 Million In Restitution
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Legisi HYIP Ponzi-scheme pitchman Matthew John Gagnon has been sentenced to 60 months in federal prison, ordered to pay $4.4 million in restitution and further ordered to serve three years’ supervised probation after his prison release, the office of U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade of the Eastern District of Michigan […]
Law Firm’s Name Used In Bid To Dupe Members Of Banners Broker, Profit Clicking, MLM Attorney Says
UPDATED 11:28 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Scammers have used the names of government agencies and famous businesses in bids to dupe the public. Now, the name of a well-known MLM law firm appears to have been used for the same purpose. Attorney Kevin Thompson published a Blog post today that warns of a bogus Banners Broker/Profit […]
ULTIMATE INSULT? ‘ProfitClicking,’ A ‘JSSTripler’/’JustBeenPaid’ Reload Scam That Surfaced After Collapse Of Zeek Rewards, Now Called ‘ProfitCrapping’ On Ponzi Boards
A “program” the PP Blog reported may have ties to the so-called “sovereign citizens” movement appears to have wiped out investors and perhaps zeroed out the purported earnings of many of them, according to posts at the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi-scheme forum. In fact, according to one post, the “ProfitClicking” program perhaps now can be best described […]
RECEIVER: AlertPay And SolidTrustPay May Hold Additional Zeek Assets; Forensic Team Is Working ‘To Investigate And Seize These Funds’
EDITOR’S NOTE: One way to read a report filed yesterday by the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case is as a warning manual that brings to life the kind of vexing problems HYIP schemes create for operators, vendors and participants — including “insiders.” Kenneth D. Bell’s report to Senior U.S. District Judge Graham […]
UPDATE: PP Blog Now Starting To Get Bizarre Spam Related To BannersBroker ‘Program’
UPDATED 7:06 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) The PP Blog today began to receive bizarre spam related to the purported BannersBroker “program,” a Ponzi-forum darling. Senders from separate IPs who deemed themselves “Banners Broker” transmitted spam at 5:27 p.m. (ET) and 5:29 p.m. today. (UPDATE: 7:06 P.M. Actually, the 5:27 spammer deemed himself/herself “Banners Broker” and the […]
Former Zeek Pitchman Who Also Pushed JSS/JBP Scam Reportedly Doubts He’ll Be Paid By ProfitClicking, A Follow-Up ‘Program’
Former Zeek Rewards and JSSTripler/JustBeenPaid pitchman “Alan Chapman” reportedly now claims he hasn’t been paid by “ProfitClicking” for “at least 3 months,” according to a post quoting “Chapman” on the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum. ProfitClicking is the absurd follow-up “program” to the bizarre JSS/JBP scam, a 730-percent-a-year “opportunity” purportedly operated by Frederick Mann. JSS/JBP may have […]
LETTER TO READERS: Our Choice For The Most Important PP Blog Post Of 2012
Dear Readers, The PP Blog’s choice for the “Most Important” story to appear on the Blog in 2012 is this one, dated July 28: “Site Critical Of Zeek Goes Missing After HubPages Receives Trademark ‘Infringement’ Complaint Attributed To Rex Venture Group LLC — But North Carolina-Based Rex Not Listed As Trademark Owner; Florida Firm That […]
UPDATES: (1) Cyberstalker Resurfaces To Claim The Zeek ‘Defense Fund Is Snowballing’ And To Accuse PP Blog And Supporters Of Communism; (2) Blog Receives Separate Email That Plants Seed It Is A ‘Mercenary/Assassin For The SEC & NCAG’; (3) A Series Of Death Threats
A cyberstalker who has used more than a dozen usernames and bogus email addresses to send harassing communications to the PP Blog resurfaced today after an absence of days. The stalker appears to be sending unwanted communications from a series of IPs in the region of Columbus, Ohio. Today’s would-be posting bid was targeted at […]