Some ‘ProfitClicking’ Members Who Scheduled Sea Cruise May Have Gotten Lucky Break — Sort Of

ProfitClicking has had trouble since it evolved from the carcass of JSSTripler/JustBeeenPaid last year.

ProfitClicking has had trouble since it evolved from the carcass of JSSTripler/JustBeeenPaid last year.

Back in June 2012 — when the “program” later to become “ProfitClicking” still was known as JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid — a member told JSS/JBP operator Frederick Mann that she was arranging a sea cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines “out of Galveston, Texas” during the last week of January and the first week of February of this year.

It would not have been the first time members of a Ponzi scheme got together on a ship at sea to talk up a “program.” Members of the AdViewGlobal autosurf, which federal prosecutors later linked to the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme, reportedly advanced the AVG scam on the high seas in 2009.

Whether the JSS/JBP sea cruise ever came off is unknown. What is known is that the Carnival Triumph, whose home port is Galveston, has caused an epic PR disaster for the famous cruise line. The ship experienced an engine-room fire on Sunday, after departing Galveston Feb. 7, the company said.

A passenger on a recent cruise aboard the Triumph told CBS News that the ship had trouble on Jan. 28 as it was preparing to leave Galveston.

If JSS/JBP-related trip announced last year went ahead as planned, some JSS/JBP (now ProfitClicking) members could have been on the ship during the trip immediately prior to the disastrous cruise. Or if the trip was delayed by a week, they could have been aboard when the engine room caught fire.

Just how disastrous was the trip?

Well, no one was killed. Even so, passengers described the excursion as a venture into hell on the high seas. The fire crippled the ship at sea. A CBS reporter described the vessel as “the makings of a floating biohazard” because the Triumph’s toilets and waste systems were not working.

Fox News, meanwhile, cited reports of “vile conditions onboard” and used the phrase “shanty town.” Passengers were forced to live on the deck because of filthy conditions inside the ship.

With the aid of tug boats, the crippled Triumph arrived in Mobile, Ala., late last night.

The U.S. Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board have launched probes.

Even if JSS/JBP/ProfitClicking members weren’t on board, there are reports of ongoing, major problems with their “opportunity,” which purported to pay 2 percent a day.

If they were on board, they got the double-whammy.


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3 Responses to “Some ‘ProfitClicking’ Members Who Scheduled Sea Cruise May Have Gotten Lucky Break — Sort Of”

  1. The Fredrick Mann is a scammer. He has duped millions with JBP investers, sold to Profitclicking also duped their investers and he is coming up with a new CLICKPAY. What is the guarantee that he will not cheat the investers.
    The cheating habbits die hard…

  2. […] Promoters of MLM HYIP scams such as JSSTripler/JustBeenPaid (2 percent a day) and AdViewGlobal (1 percent a day) previously have advertised sea cruises. It is unclear if the JSS/JBP cruise ever came off. […]