SPECIAL REPORT: ‘Achieve Community’ Promoter On YouTube Shows Her Back Office For ‘Unison Wealth,’ Revealing Ponzi-Board Bonanza

As "Achieve Community" promoter Jristen Jennifer shows her back office in the "Unison Wealth" program, ads for other "programs" appear, including some "programs" on well-known Ponzi-scheme forums.

As “Achieve Community” promoter Kristen Jennifer shows her back office in the “Unison Wealth” program, ads for other “programs” appear, including some “programs” on well-known Ponzi-scheme forums.

EDITOR’S NOTE: In litigation related to Zeek Rewards, a Ponzi-board “program,” court-appointed receiver Kenneth D. Bell has raised a concern that network-marketers may be proceeding from one fraud scheme to another. Bell has asked a federal judge to take “judicial notice” of certain YouTube videos.

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UPDATED 10:07 P.M. ET U.S.A. “Unison Wealth” is a “program” on MoneyMakerGroup from which a promoter claims “Turn $35 One-Time Into $1545.” It’s also on TalkGold. Both MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold are forums listed in U.S. federal court files as places from which Ponzi schemes are promoted.

One such reference to the forums is in the context of Nicholas Smirnow, the operator of the Pathway To Prosperity HYIP fraud who was arrested in Canada this month after being charged by the United States in 2010 and spending time in the Philippines.

Pathway To Prosperity allegedly plucked people from 120 countries for $72 million. An affidavit by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in the Smirnow case specifically references MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold. The affidavit has been available online for more than four years and is published by the office of Stephen R. Wigginton, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois.

A “program’s” presence on the Ponzi boards is a crimson-red flag that a scam is occurring. Thousands of promoters of Zeek Rewards, a Ponzi-board “program” alleged to gave gathered on the order of $897 million, now face litigation aimed at clawing back their “winnings” from Zeek. At least one payment vendor for Zeek claims it was rendered insolvent through its business relationship with North Carolina-based Zeek.

The individual litigation nightmares for Zeek fans and vendors may include crushing legal bills, the need to respond to subpoenas and sit for depositions or otherwise make an appearance in North Carolina federal court even if the litigation targets do not reside in North Carolina. The experience alone can be financially and emotionally draining, perhaps even more so if a person is deemed an “insider” or “winner” who received in excess of $1,000 from the Zeek enterprise.

On another Ponzi-board front, promoters and vendors of TelexFree — an alleged $1.2 billion fraud — also are facing Zeek-like litigation nightmares.

Like Pathway To Prosperity, Zeek and TelexFree, “Achieve Community” also has a Ponzi-board presence. This potentially sets the stage for new HYIP litigation nightmares from law-enforcement, receivers mandated by court order to round up fraud proceeds and class-action lawyers. And because some Achieve Community promoters are simultaneously promoting other Ponzi-board “programs,” any litigation that emerges could be amplified across multiple courts. Achieve, for example, appears to be operating in Michigan and Colorado.

In theory, an Achieve promoter living in, say, Florida (or any other state) could be compelled by court order to appear in a federal court in another state to produce documents, sales materials, promos and business records.

Back-Office Tour By Achieve Promoter Is Revealing

Promoting Achieve is bad enough. But some Achieve promoters now are pitching other Ponzi-board “programs.” One YouTube promo dated Dec. 20 for Unison Wealth by an Achieve promoter takes prospects inside the Unison Wealth back office.

Remarkably — and without comment from Achieve/Unison promoter Kristen Jennifer — the promo shows one ad after another for HYIP schemes loading in the Unison back office. (The ads load as Kristen pitches Unison.)

The first of these is “MyTrafficValue.” As Kristen tries to sell viewers on Unison, a banner ad for MyTrafficValue claims “invest to earn 110% within 4 days or daily payments until 125%.”

Who placed the ad is unknown, but the mere presence of the ad shows that Unison is driving traffic to a Ponzi-board “program” with a 141-page thread at MoneyMakerGroup.

On Dec. 17, the PP Blog reported that an ad for a Ponzi-board “program” known as Cycles 24/7  was appearing inside a promo for Achieve by Mike Chitty. The Chitty ad showed the Achieve back office.

Lo and behold, an ad for Cycles 24/7 also appears in the Unison back office of Achieve promoter Kristen. (BehindMLM.com has a report dated today on Cycles 24/7.)

What obviously is occurring is that one scam is giving synergy to another. It hardly ends with Cycles 24/7.

Indeed, even as Achieve promoter Kristen is narrating her ad for Unison, ads for other Ponzi-board “programs” load on the screen. Ads for each of these “programs” (and others) appear:

  • BitcoinCycler.
  • TrinityLines.
  • OneTenMethod. (URL appears to be OwnMatrix.com, with “OWN” an acronym for Online Wealth Network.)
  • HeavenPaid. (“THIS DONT [sic] SUCK” is among the claims.)
  • MyAdvertisingPays.
  • ClickAdPays.
  • Super 2×7 Matrix.
  • EveryoneCycles.

During the same 13:18 YouTube promo by Achieve member Kristen for Unison, ads for other “programs” appear on the screen. (In some cases, these may include descriptors, rather than the actual “program” name.) This lineup includes Auto Mass Traffic, Dollar Funnel, $20 Quality AdPack, AdBoardMarketing, Private Cycler, Seven Save In Gold & Silver from $25 (edited Jan. 5, 2015), NetPennyStocks.com (” . . . Makes You Earn 101,970.75 And Get Paid Weekly”).

A couple of ads for what appear to be “leads” program also appear. Some other names that appear in the ad are too fuzzy to be recognizable.

Regulators have been warning for years about scams spreading on social media.

In the Unison Wealth video, Kristen says, “I’m gonna keep you posted on this, but I have to be mindful of YouTube because YouTube doesn’t really like me posting result videos for some reason.”

Perhaps Kristen hasn’t heard about the SEC’s warnings about scams spreading on YouTube.  (See April 8, 2014, PP Blog story: BULLETIN: In New ‘Advertising’ Ponzi-Scheme Takedown, SEC Points To YouTube Video Allegedly Used By Scammers To Drive Sales — And Feds File Criminal Charges

Also see April 30, 2014, PP Blog story: SEC: TelexFree’s Sann Rodrigues On YouTube: God Started MLM And Made ‘Binary’; ‘I Am Never Going To Stop This’

Also see June 5, 2013, PP Blog story: YouTube Video Pitchmen For Profitable Sunrise Hit By Subpoenas From SEC.

There are other instances, including the eAdGear case in which the SEC contacted YouTube owner Google for information. The eAdGear case speaks to the issue of a scam trying to sanitize itself by touting supposed links to legitimate companies. Achieve promoters are doing the same thing when they assert Achieve couldn’t possibly be a scam because certain well-known financial vendors do business with it.

Think of Enron, a colossal fraud. That famous financial firms did business with it was immaterial to the issue that Enron itself was a huge scam.

Kristen also ventures there may be certain tax advantages when one joins Unison Wealth. Veteran MLM huckster Phil Piccolo of TextCashNetwork, DataNetworkAffiliates and OWOW — disasters one and all — is infamous for making such claims.

Is there any doubt that network marketers are falling off one cliff after another and, in one “program” after another, putting on blindfolds? These scams are gathering billions of dollars.

Friends, Kristen very well could be one of the nicest, most sincere people you’d ever want to meet. But she is grossly misinformed about Achieve and Unison Wealth.

The Zeek and TelexFree litigation alone offers compelling examples of decidedly unpleasant things that can happen when HYIP “programs” crater or attract regulatory scrutiny. For promoters to ignore these cases is to ignore peril.

Achieve promoters currently are explaining away criticism as the tool of “haters.” Zeek and TelexFree promoters did the same thing.


About the Author

9 Responses to “SPECIAL REPORT: ‘Achieve Community’ Promoter On YouTube Shows Her Back Office For ‘Unison Wealth,’ Revealing Ponzi-Board Bonanza”

  1. Certain readers may find these stories of interest:




























  2. From a classified ad for Achieve Community linked to through Facebook today:


    No Recruiting, No Effort way to Make Huge Money.
    A Fifty Dollar Bill to Make Thousands.
    Click the Link to learn more



  3. There are a lot of Achieve members who are also pimping Xtremeprosystem and Cycles 24/7.

    Guess they know that Achieve is not coming back, and hope to get some of their money back before these fail.

  4. Quick note: Turns out that Achieve’s Kristen has a second video for Unison in which she also touts Achieve. The second video is 14:16 and includes a dub from yet another Unison promoter.

    Payza gets a tout in the second video, even as the Zeek receiver continues to investigate Payza transactions.

    And even as this message continues to appear at the website of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia:



  5. So in addition to being a Ponzi, Unison is also a Ponzi ad rotator.

    Guess they follow “multiple streams of income” religiously. :D

  6. Over on BehindMLM we’ve pretty much concluded Unison Wealth is operated out of India

  7. K. Chang: Over on BehindMLM we’ve pretty much concluded Unison Wealth is operated out of India

    If it is Indian, then we have an American promoter who also happens to be a member of Achieve Community touting Unison Wealth while also suggesting there are certain tax advantages to joining Unison.

    This is occurring while Achieve reportedly isn’t paying and may be playing a Zeek/TelexFree-like game of financial-vendor roulette, of course.


  8. “WHEN .?!!!??? Is the FAMOUS ” SEC ”

    [Link deleted by PP Blog.]