UPDATE: ‘OneX’ Site Pushed By AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin Will Not Resolve To Server; Conference-Call Talker Identified As ‘J.C.’ Assures Listeners That God Is On Board The OneX Train And That A ‘Paved Road’ Is In Firm’s Future
UPDATED 6:59 A.M. ET (DEC.29, U.S.A.): The OneX site now is resolving to a server, although the site still appears to be down. (UPDATE 6:25 P.M. ET DEC. 29: The OneX site now appears to be back online after an absence of days. Whether is is fully functional is unclear.) Web data now suggest OneX […]
UPDATE: ‘OneX,’ Mysterious Site Pushed By ASD’s Andy Bowdoin, Has Been Offline For Days
UPDATE: “OneX,” the mysterious “program” AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin claimed in October would pay for his criminal defense and help former ASD members “earn $99,000 very quickly,” has been offline for days. The reason for the extended outage, which coincided with the run-up to the holidays and now has extended beyond Christmas, is unclear. Messages […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Message Board For Members Of ‘OneX’ Scheme Pushed By Accused Ponzi Schemer Andy Bowdoin Claims ‘Transfer Funds’ Option Disabled Because Members Are Using ‘Stolen Credit Cards,’ Source Says
A bulletin board accessible only through the back offices of members of the purportedĀ “OneX” program includes a message that the program has disabled a “Transfer Funds” option because a “recent investigation” has determined that members “have been depositing funds from stolen credit cards and transferring this tainted money to hundreds of other members of […]
UPDATE: AdSurfDaily’s Andy Bowdoin Has Participated In At Least 3 Webinars For ‘OneX’ This Week; Calls Murky Business A ‘Financial Bailout Program For The Average Person’; Accused Ponzi Schemer Implies ASD Was ‘Tremendous’ Success And That People Who Listen To Him Are In ‘Top 10 Percent’
UPDATE: Awaiting his Ponzi scheme trial on charges of wire fraud, securities fraud and selling unregistered securities, AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin has participated this week in at least three webinars for a mysterious program known as “OneX.” OneX is a program pushed on Ponzi boards such as TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup. It appears to be an […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Awaiting Trial, Accused AdSurfDaily Schemer Andy Bowdoin Resurfaces As Pitchman For OneX, ‘Opportunity’ Flogged On Ponzi Forums; ‘I Believe That God Has Brought Us OneX To Provide The Necessary Funds To Win This Case,’ Indicted ASD Patriarch Claims; ‘This Program Can Provide You With Earnings Beyond Your Wildest Imagination . . .’
EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog may have more on this developing story in the coming days. In a bizarre development, accused Ponzi schemer Andy Bowdoin of AdSurfDaily told webinar listeners yesterday that he intended to fund his criminal defense to charges of wire fraud, securities fraud and selling unregistered securities through a purported business opportunity […]