DEVELOPING STORY: U.S.-Based Website Listed In JSS Tripler-Related Action In Italy Suddenly Will Not Resolve To Server; Redirect To The Netherlands No Longer Works
Are the Ponzi clouds darkening for JSS Tripler?
On Feb. 4, the PP Blog reported that a JSS Tripler-related website listed in an action by CONSOB, the Italian securities regulator, was based in the United States and had been programmed to redirect to the Netherlands several days after CONSOB announced the action.
That domain — — now is throwing a server error and no longer is redirecting the traffic to Europe. The site generates an “Unable to connect” message in the Firefox browser and an “Unknown error: 1214” message when pinged, meaning the server is in a black hole.
The circumstances under which the server went dark are unclear. It is not known, for instance, if law enforcement, the hosting company or the JSS Tripler affiliate — purportedly a woman — caused the domain to stop working. Its registration is valid until Feb. 24, according to records.
Earlier this week, the site was directing to a JustBeenPaid subdomain styled “marketing.” JustBeenPaid and Frederick Mann are the purported operators of JSS Tripler, which advertises a return of 2 percent a day. The return computes to an annualized return of 730 percent.
Despite the CONSOB action, cheerleading for JustBeenPaid/JSS Tripler continue on the Ponzi cesspits such as TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup.
Just BeenPaid/JSS Tripler makes members affirm they are “not an employee or official of any government agency.” In addition, it makes them affirm they are not “acting on behalf of or collecting information for or on behalf of any government agency” and not “an employee, by contract or otherwise, of any media or research company.”
The Terms alone appear to be an invitation to join an international financial conspiracy. Regardless, the Ponzi-forum cheerleading continues.
JustBeenPaid has traded on the names of American icons Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Zuckerberg — and even the name of fictional spaceman “Mr. Spock” from the Star Trek series on American television.
Frederick Mann was a cheerleader for the alleged AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme in 2008, according to promos. ASD was based in Florida.
In May 2008, Mann asserted that “[p]ast performance indicates a strong probablility (sic) that ASD will continue to perform as advertised,” according to a promo.
Two months later, the U.S. Secret Service seized tens of millions of dollars from bank accounts linked to ASD President Andy Bowdoin and others.
Some ASD figures are known to have ties to so-called “sovereign citizens” — and any number of ASD members have invested in crackpot legal theories such as all commerce is lawful as long as parties agree to a contract.
Such bizarre constructions would legalize slavery, securities fraud, tax fraud, Ponzi schemes and narcotics-trafficking, among other pursuits.
And because some “sovereign citizens” believe they can divine a contract out of thin air and demand a litigation result from judges, prosecutors, investigators and creditors, bizarre courtroom clashes have been occurring across the United States.
Mauro Messina – member and promoter of Text Cash Network, also a member of ponzi promotion forum MMG. Promoted something called “Keionics”.
The other person mentioned above, “Andrea Viz”, is a promoter of CLUB-ASTERIA.
Thanks for these, Tony. I’m thinking the Mauro Messina/TCN connection deserves a separate story. I’ll try to post an update today. In any event, what you posted shows the interconnectivity so often present between or among “opportunities.”
It looks as though it’s possible that tainted proceeds could have circulated between or among JSS Tripler, Club Asteria and Text Cash Network — all of which had/have a Ponzi-board presence. If the blocked promoters had large downlines or were serial promoters, then any number of folks could have contributed funds that ended up circulating between and among the enterprises.
The gruppounitoworld domain appears to have been hosted in the United States and appears to have been suspended. The domain also appears to have a U.S. footprint — in San Francisco.
The TCN affiliate Mauro Messina appears to use “gruppounito” as his TCN affiliate ID.
Here’s our most recent TCN story:
Stories about (or stories that reference) Club Asteria here:
Readers who’ve been with us for a while perhaps will recall that purported JSS Tripler honcho Frederick Mann also was an ASD pitchman in 2008:
Purported Club Asteria honcho Hank Needham, meanwhile, also was an ASD pitchman in 2008:
It appears Needham and Mann simply moved to other “opportunities” after the U.S. Secret Service seized tens of millions of dollars in the ASD case.
On a side note, something known as Ricochet Riches also is referenced in the CONSOB action. Yesterday someone called “dittoteam” posted an “I got paid” post for JSS Tripler 2 (T2) on MoneyMakerGroup. There was a link below the post to Ricochet Riches.
Here is the CONSOB announcement that references Ricochet Riches:
Separate story here:
Thanks, Tony.